Gutter Mind – Smoke Valley MC – Sex & Mayhem Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Biker, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 103637 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 518(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

“And boys!” Mona added, winking at Arden.

She didn’t take all the classes, too busy with her twins, but Arden could sense her support whenever she was present. They talked every now and then, and he’d learned that she’d been in a similar situation to his once. Well, somewhat. A runaway from the altar, she’d sought refuge at the clubhouse and even lived in that same bare-bones room downstairs as Arden had when he’d first arrived.

It made him imagine a future where he too managed to thread himself into the tapestry of the Heller family and found his place among them. Safe.

Were he a girl, he could have tried to make Mike his, to make himself useful to the Hellers even though he knew nothing about engines or running a bar. Hell, as a girl, he could have gotten pregnant for the sake of staying within the orbit of the club. Not that he wanted kids, but that seemed to be the way to go, since the Heller clan was an army of nine siblings and already sprouting a new generation of kids.

But he wasn’t a girl, and didn’t want to be one.

“You’re getting better every time,” Mona said, nudging him with her shoulder as all the participants gravitated out of the room and down the stairs. Arden’s legs felt heavy after each session, but Mike told him his muscles weren’t used to so much strain.

“Thanks, trying to build up those biceps.” Arden laughed and bent his arm, knowing very well there was hardly anything there. He didn’t mind. He liked being small, but did wish to get stronger, because the classes had showed him how useful it could be.

Mona chuckled and pinched his twig arm before walking off to the women’s changing room. Which left Arden as the only person to approach the men’s.

He’d been wary to enter it at first, because some guys were overly sensitive to his presence, but he was now positive no one would be stupid enough to pick on him when he was under the protection of the Smokeys. Not at their own gym. So he entered, glad to see no one there.

The changing room was a simple affair with gray lockers and blue tiles, but while it smelled of sweat and cheap cologne, he didn’t mind it as long as no one bothered him.

The showers were always the tricky part, as they weren’t divided in any way, allowing space for five men to shower at a time. Arden hated the lack of privacy since he was nowhere near as eager to walk around naked as some of the other gym-goers. A lot of the time, Arden skipped the shower altogether and washed at home—it wasn’t like he had a job interview to go to after—but since the facilities were empty, he decided on a two-minute refresh.

Arden hung a towel nearby, just in case, and turned on the water. It was still kinda cool when it splashed his head, but within moments the shower heated up, and Arden relaxed, rubbing his face while artificial rain washed off the sweat and grime of the day. The temporary tattoos on his arms were fun to put on, but a pain in the ass to wash off. He still had two he needed to rub off, but he vowed to not get them again.

A secret part of him imagined a hot muscular body approaching from behind, and the droplets became the wandering hands Mike had described one time. Why did Mike have to be so sexy? Arden made a point of avoiding any glimpses of Mike’s dick in the room they shared because he might self-combust if he saw it. Whatever the size and shape it was, it would be a thing of beauty, and he couldn’t allow himself to admire Mike any more than he already did.

Was there time for a quick jerk off? There was no one—

Arden opened one eye to look around while water streamed down his face and he yelped, scrambling for the towel the moment he spotted the lion tattooed on Mike’s chest exhale.

The sneaky fuck stood in the doorway of the shower room in all his tan, inked glory, with only a towel around his hips.

“That’s not okay!” Arden pointed an accusatory finger at Mike, yet all he could think of was that Mike had seen him naked, and instead of making his presence known had stood there, admiring the view. Arden was far too concerned with more important matters to be embarrassed over something like this, but… did Mike like what he’d gotten a glimpse of? Arden’s dick, while no monster, should have spoiled the illusion of femininity Arden managed to establish.

But Mike kept staring at Arden as if he were a lion eyeing a juicy gazelle, his huge grin showing strong teeth that were ready to sink into flesh. “Why? Are you saying I can’t use the shower at my gym?” Mike asked and loosened the knot of his towel, letting it drop.


