Gutter Mind – Smoke Valley MC – Sex & Mayhem Read Online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Biker, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 103637 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 518(@200wpm)___ 415(@250wpm)___ 345(@300wpm)

Arden took a big swig from his own bottle, feeling weirdly okay around those butch men even though his usual crowd were strippers. “How?”

Mike parked his ass on the table in front of Arden and rested his boot on the armrest of his chair, inevitably drawing Arden’s attention to his crotch. “I’ll teach you self-defense.”

Zolt sniggered and wouldn’t stop when Leo nudged him with his elbow. “What? I’m just thinking that the boy needs to pack some weight on. What are you? A hundred pounds? I bench press twice that. Eat some meat boy, if you want to get stronger.”

Arden groaned. “I don’t like meat. It’s… chewy.”

Zolt laughed harder. “You’ll have your work cut out, Mike.”

Mike ignored him and focused on Arden instead. “Is it just me, or is it too loud here? Wanna chill?” he asked, reaching his tattooed arm to Arden.

Leo scowled. “You okay, Arden? Not dizzy?”

Arden shook his head, taking Mike’s hand. “I told you I had beer before.” Though it was kinda nice that Leo cared, even if slightly patronizing.

Mike pulled him to his fragrant chest, and Arden didn’t hesitate before rolling his face into the dip between his pecs. Despite the joking around with Leo and Zolt putting him at ease, he was still rattled by what had happened today and nothing was as comforting as Mike’s arms.

“Don’t worry, Leo, if I wanted to intoxicate him, I’d have done it long ago,” Mike said. “I like my prey horny and very willing.”

Arden sighed as they walked off hand-in-hand. Mike’s scent could intoxicate him with more ease than hard liquor.

They didn’t speak until they reached the second floor. “I forgot to thank you,” Arden said.

Mike snorted. “Really? I thought I deserve some love for coming in, guns blazing.”

“You do!” Arden said quickly and turned to him in the empty corridor. “You’ve earned that kiss I guess.” His heart started pounding when he stood on his toes and slid his fingers into Mike’s beard. He’d have his cake and eat it. He’d pretend he was only doing it for Mike’s sake, and in turn, get to indulge in Mike’s lips.

But Mike frowned and gently inched away. “I’m too hot for a charity kiss. When I kiss you, it will be because you asked me to.”

Arden stared, biting his lip and falling down a deep dark hole of sexual frustration.


Chapter 8 – Arden

Arden couldn’t believe how achy he was. When Mike had said he’d teach him self-defence, Arden had imagined playful tumbling on the bed. Maybe going to the shooting range. But instead, Mike had signed him up to an intensive self-defence class run by his mom at the Heller-owned gym.

Two weeks in, Arden was sore, even if growing in confidence. Though the fact that he was the only male member of the class, and that at least half of the attendees seemed to have a better grasp on the techniques than him did chip at his ego. And whenever they exercised in pairs, it was painfully obvious that many of his partners were stronger too.

He wasn’t sure whether he’d find the courage to push his thumbs into Luke’s eyes if the bastard sneaked up on him somewhere, but Mike claimed the moves would eventually be in his muscle memory, so Arden swallowed his pride, ignored the fact that he got sweaty, and continued practicing kicks in the ‘nuts’ of a girl whose name he didn’t know.

He was intent on at least looking cute doing it, so he sported a pair of unicorn print leggings and an oversized crop top saying Cardio is Hardio. He did enjoy the stretching after a tough workout, and since he still didn’t like meat, Mike introduced him to a strawberry protein shake. It was… okay.

Most importantly though, his bruise was almost gone, and he hoped that Luke had given up. But the future was still uncertain. Arden paid Mike’s Dad a small fee for the protection every week, and he would run out of cash sooner or later, since his job at the gas station contributed to making the price of his presence at the clubhouse smaller without adding anything to his bank account.

It was natural he’d have to learn how to fend for himself because Mike’s interest in him would only last so long. Next time Luke came for him, Arden might be on his own.

“Okay, girls, good job. I’ll see you in two days,” Mike’s mom said, clapping her hands. For a woman her age, who’d had so many children, she was remarkably fit. Just like her husband, she had the vibe of a much younger person, and the tight exercise clothes she wore most of the time complemented her figure. Her face hadn’t been affected much by the passing of time, though she did look mature.

It seemed to be a family trait, considering Mike was almost forty, and Arden would never have guessed if Leo hadn’t told him.


