Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“Shadows” was the perfect descriptor for the team of mercenary veterans.

Magnum told the man on the phone, “You find her, you find them, then you let me handle their fuckin’ asses.”

“You got it, brother. We’ll take it from here, then I’ll let you take it from there.”

The call ended abruptly.

“Who was that?” Nox hoped to confirm his suspicion.

“Don’t fuckin’ worry ‘bout it. Got this. That’s all you gotta know. They can find a fuckin’ goldfish flushed down a city sewer. Now… Guess I gotta finish the job the Sicilians started. Touchin’ me or mine is a guaran-fuckin’-teed way to meet your goddamn maker. Whether it’s the man above or the devil below.”

Chapter Forty-Three

Nox was tempted to call his brothers to assist, especially Finn and Rez, but he really didn’t want them getting caught up in anything illegal. And there was no doubt Aaliyah’s father would leave no stone unturned to find her. No matter what the Knights’ sergeant at arms had to do to flip over those damn stones.

For now, Nox would let Magnum do what he needed to do with the help of the Shadows and he’d keep his brothers out of it. However, he would take a ride over to the motel to see if T-Bone and Saint were stupid enough to take her there.

Truthfully, he hoped they were. It would make the search for Liyah easy and short.

“When you find him, I want to spend some time with him,” Nox informed Magnum as he followed him out the front door.

Her father said nothing.

“He took what’s mine.”

That statement got the man’s attention like he figured it would.

Magnum slammed to a stop and spun on him. A muscle jumped in his cheek as he growled, “She ain’t fuckin’ yours. She’s mine.” He slapped a hand against his massive chest. “My blood. My responsibility. You’re only fuckin’ temporary. A toy for her to play with. You and your pig bullshit put her and my grandsons at risk.”

“Those are a lot of assumptions you’re making.”

“What part wasn’t fuckin’ true?”

“You want to blame me for this when we’re not even sure what happened yet. But even if it has to do with me being a cop or on the task force, that means if I caused it, she’s my responsibility. And as for temporary, you only hope that’s true.”

Magnum leaned in closer. “You’re fuckin’ temporary. I’ll make sure of it.”

Do your best was on the tip of his tongue but he swallowed it back down. They had no time to waste so he needed to let it go. For now.

“Where are you headed?” Nox asked.

“None of your goddamn business.”

“Liyah is my business.”

“Once again, you’re fuckin’ wrong,” the big man declared as he strode down the sidewalk to the driveway. He glanced at Nox’s Harley, snorted and shook his head. “Goddamn wannabe!”

“Why the fuck would I want to be like you?” Nox yelled out.

That had the massive man spinning on his boot heel and charging Nox. He tried to brace as a big fist headed in his direction. He tried to duck out of the way, but was a fraction of a second too slow to avoid the sledgehammer that slammed him right in the face.

Nox worked his jaw, wincing from the pain. It was already swollen despite waking in Malcolm Moore’s driveway with his wife pressing ice to the point of impact.

“Are you okay?”

While he “rested” on the pavement, he had blinked up at her with his brain still rattled. “Is this Heaven?”

“No, it’s our driveway.”

“So, it’s hell then,” he had concluded, carefully sitting up and taking the Ziplock bag full of ice from her fingers.

“I’m so, so sorry he did that. He can be very passionate.”

“You call that passionate? I call that assault.” He had slowly climbed to his feet, testing his balance since his brain had been knocked loose.

Cait Moore had her bottom lip grasped between her teeth and a worried expression on her face.

“Your husband needs to learn how to control his impulses.”

“He’s better than he used to be.”

“Well, that’s a fucking relief,” Nox said dryly, pressing fingers to his face and testing to see what hurt and what didn’t.

Nothing like being cold-cocked by a man thirty or forty pounds heavier than him. Add in the element of surprise.

He shouldn’t have let his guard down. A mistake he wouldn’t make again around a man so “passionate.”

He slowed his bike to take the turn into the motel where he last saw T-Bone and Saint. He wasn’t sure if they’d be there since they hadn’t been the morning after the “massacre” when he and his BAMC brothers went looking for them.

Of fucking course, finding them couldn’t be that easy. Once again, no one was parked in front of the end room and T-Bone’s, Saint’s and Liyah’s vehicles were nowhere to be seen. Nox took that as a sign that the duo had figured out he’d been stalking them and decided to move elsewhere.


