Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“No, I recently witnessed a patched member involved.”


“Saint,” Nox answered.

“For fuck’s sake. We got no more time to waste. We need to find Aaliyah and we need to find her now.”

Magnum wasn’t the only one with a clock ticking loudly in his head.

“When was the last time you heard from her?”

Nox quickly checked his texts for the time stamp. “Five-forty.”

“What fuckin’ time is it now?”

“A little after seven.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Magnum once again grumbled. “Gotta get on this. Too much time’s passed.”

“Magnum, maybe we should let law enforcement handle it since a federal task force was involved.”

Nox got what she was hinting at. Apparently, so did Magnum.

“Caitee, if you haven’t fuckin’ noticed, he’s a goddamn pig. If he wanted them to handle it, he wouldn’t be standin’ in our fuckin’ house.”

Not one hundred percent true. “I came over here to see if she was here before I took any other steps.”

“And you fuckin’ stayed ‘cause you want me to handle it.”

That part was truer than Nox would like to admit. “I recognize the fact you might have more… effective means to find her if T-Bone did take her.”

“What do you know about him?”

“Besides him being a piece of shit? He’s done this before with another member of our task force.”

“What the fuck?” Magnum barked. “And he lived to do it again?”

“Unfortunately. We thought we had a way to handle him without getting our hands dirty, or exposing our task force, but apparently, it didn’t work the way we hoped.”

“Wanna hear that fucked up story, but we got more important shit to deal with right now. Like findin’ my baby girl.”

Nox couldn’t agree more. Time was ticking, and, if T-Bone played a part in Liyah’s disappearance…

Yeah, he didn’t give a shit what happened to the former prospect if he touched even a single hair on Liyah’s head.

“So, now what?” Nox asked.

“Now you get the fuck outta my house before I make it so you can no longer walk seein’ it’s probably your fault it happened in the first fuckin’ place.”

Nox pulled back his shoulders and looked Magnum straight in the eye. “I’m not leaving. We need to work together on this. Both of us want her found. Both of us want her safe. Both of us… care deeply for her.”

Magnum cocked a dark eyebrow and warned, “You stick the fuck around, you might get some fuckin’ dirt under those clean fingernails of yours.”

“If I do, I’ll deal with it.”

A cell phone appeared in Magnum’s massive hand and a second later so did a pair of reading glasses. He jammed them onto his face and scrolled for another second. Then he snatched his glasses off as he put the phone to his ear.

Nox had kind of hoped he’d put the caller on speakerphone so he could hear the whole conversation instead of only one side of it.

“Brother… Yeah… They got my girl… No, Aaliyah. Got the pig who’s doin’ her standin’ in front of me sayin’ it could be members of the Deadly Demons… Yeah, those motherfuckers… Thought so, too. Some musta been lucky, but not for long… Tell me what you need from me to find her. It’s gotta be quick. The asshole might’ve drugged her and wants to…” Magnum sucked in an audible breath. “She could be drugged. Need to find her as quickly as fuckin’ possible. Don’t give a shit what it costs… Yeah. Got it. She was last heard from in a text over an hour ago.”

When Liyah’s father pulled the phone away from his ear, he must have turned on the speaker function because Nox heard a deep, grumbly voice asking, “You have no idea where she was taken from, right?”

Magnum’s dark eyes met Nox’s. He assumed the man wanted him to answer, so he did. “No.”

“Didn’t see her car anywhere?”

“No,” Nox repeated.

“What did the text say?”

“She was headed to my place.”

“Where at?”


“Rockvale? Nobody lives in Rockvale.”

“I do.”

There was a slight hesitation before he heard, “Was she coming there from her place or from work? Did she plan on doing any stops on the way?”

“Her place. And that’s a negative on the stops.”

A deep grunt came through the phone. “Name of the Demon you think is the culprit.”

“Could be two working together. T-Bone is a former prospect who got booted from the MC for skimming meth. Saint’s still a card-carrying member.”

“T-Bone and Saint. Got it. Know what they drive?”

Nox gave whoever was on the other end of the line descriptions of the vehicles and Harleys he’d seen them both use.

“Descriptions of both bikers,” was demanded next.

Nox gave the no-nonsense man that, too.

“Got their real names?”

He certainly did, so he shared that info before offering, “I can also get you their mugshots.”

“I can do that myself.”

“How?” Nox asked in surprise.

Of course, he didn’t get an answer.

He was starting to get a good inkling on who Magnum called. A source Nox never would have approached on his own since they did sketchy shit to get the job done. But he knew the Shadows were good. So good, they managed to keep their own asses out of prison despite how much illegal shit they pulled. No matter how deep they got mired in shit, they always somehow emerged squeaky clean. It was a goddamn skill for sure.


