Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

‘I love it when you’re all possessive.’ he says contentedly. ‘Kiss me, now.’

I want to point out that I only trample when necessary, but that would be a pointless exercise if ever there was one. I link my arms at the base of his neck and drown in his mouth while feeling a whole lot of eyes on us. Maybe the memos won’t be required after all.

‘There.’ He places me on my customary stool and waves Mario over, who produces my drink immediately from behind the bar, along with two bottles of water.

I pick a bottle up and start swinging the water willingly before Jesse has the opportunity to demand it.

He perches on the stool opposite and gives me an approving smile. ‘Mario, how’s the stock?’ he asks, as he stands back up and leans over the bar, running his eyes up the long row of endless glass doors. I glance over and see dwindling shelves.

‘Ah, Mr Ward, you have thirsty members this evening,’ He laughs as he removes some empty bottles from the optics. ‘I’ll do a stock take tomorrow. We have a delivery arriving on Sunday.’

‘Good man.’ Jesse says, sitting back down on the stool and placing his foot on my stools footrest. ‘Are you okay?’ He reaches over and straightens my diamond.

I stifle a yawn as I nod. ‘Fine.’

He smiles. ‘I’m taking you home. It’s been a long day.’ I welcome his suggestion. It has been a very long day. Trampling takes a lot out of you.

John walks into the bar, claps Jesse on the shoulder and nods at me. ‘You good, girl?’ he rumbles, and I nod at him too. I’ve suddenly lost the power of speech. I’m absolutely exhausted.

‘I’m taking her home. Everything okay upstairs?’

‘S’all good,’ John confirms. He nods at me, and I’m yawning again. ‘I’ll call for your car. Take her home.’ He gets his phone out and gives a few short, precise instructions before giving Jesse the nod.

‘I need to see Kate.’ I manage to mumble through my tired state. I go to lower myself from the stool but Jesse places his hand on my knee to stop me.

John performs that deep baritone laugh that reverberates through your entire being. ‘I think I may have just seen her disappear upstairs with Sam.’


Jesse joins John in his amused state. ‘Do you want to go and say goodbye?’

‘No!’ I know my face is screwed up in disgust and they laugh harder. Copping a load of Kate and Sam in the act? No, thank you. Oh God, will anyone else be joining them? Where’s Drew? I frantically shake my stray, uninvited thoughts away. ‘Take me home.’ I shudder and drop onto my tired feet. All things considered, these shoes are incredibly comfortable, considering I’ve been in them for over seven hours.

Jesse and John exchange a few words, but my brain won’t allow my ears to listen. I do, however, home in on him telling John not to expect him in tomorrow which means I’m getting my lie in with him, and I’ll be performing an Oscar worthy hissy fit if he wakes me up with the dawn chorus and presents me with my running kit.

I say goodbye to Mario and John and let my head fall onto Jesse’s shoulder as he leads me out of The Manor and puts me in his car before sliding in behind the wheel.

‘I’ve had the best day.’ I murmur dreamily, as my body moulds into the cool, soft leather. I really have, brazen hussies aside.

I feel his palm fall lightly onto my thigh and circle lazily. ‘Baby, I’ve had the best day, thank you.’

‘Why are you thanking me for?’ I yawn again, my eyes getting heavy. It’s me who’s been spoiled and lavished with attention.

‘For letting me remind you.’ he says quietly.

I turn sleepy eyes onto him and smile, watching as he starts the car and pulls out hastily. I close my eyes and give in to my exhaustion. He’s reminded me all right, and I’m so glad I let him.

‘Evening, Clive.’ I feel the vibrations of Jesse’s voice drift into my body, which is secured firmly to his chest. I can’t believe how tired I am.

‘Mr Ward, should I get the elevator for you?’

‘No, I’ve got it. Thanks.’

In my comatose state, I wonder if Clive lives here. He’s supposed to be one of two concierges, but I’ve never seen the other one. I hear the penthouse door being kicked shut and in no time at all, I’m lying on the bed. I think I might leave the dress exactly where it is. I curl up on my side.

‘Come on you. Let’s get you out of that dress.’ He rolls me onto my back.

‘Leave it.’ I grumble sleepily. I have zero energy.

I hear him laugh. ‘I am not sleeping with you fully dressed, lady. Not ever. Come here.’ He pulls me up by my hands and moves my legs to dangle off the bed, before removing my shoes. ‘Up you come.’ I’m tugged lightly to standing position and turned around. ‘How do you get this thing off?’ he asks, as his hands drift across the back and then down the sides of the dress.


