Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

I jump and have a mild panic attack when a back presses up against mine, but his smell soon invades me and I turn my face into the chin that is resting on my shoulder.

‘Hey, my beautiful girl.’

‘You made me jump.’

‘How did you know it was me?’ he asks.

‘Natural instinct.’ I can’t help but smile at him.

He smiles straight back. ‘I’m going to dirty you up.’

He is? He reaches down and shifts my dress up ever so slightly, and then hunkers down behind me, taking me with him. He starts slowly circling his hips, placing his palm on my lower stomach and guiding me around with him. My rotating hips soon catch on to his tempo and we’re in sync and in time to the band, who are doing an amazing rendition of the famous track. I throw my head back on a laugh when his arm appears suspended at the side, drifting up and down as he grinds his hips into mine, our circling speeding up and slowing in unison to the beat as I’m swayed from side to side and back and forth. Kate and Sam are in a tight clinch and Drew makes a grab for a woman who’s blatantly asking for it.

I place my hand over his on my stomach and let him do his thing, with no reservations and no concern for the dozens of women around us, who are all suddenly well aware of Jesse’s presence on the floor and have all upped their game in the dancing department. Their attempts to catch his eye will be in total vein. His chin is resting firmly on my shoulder as he dirties me up with his glorious, gyrating hips and with no regard for who is watching. It’s all about me.

‘Oh God, I love you.’ he says in my ear, kissing my temple, then clasping my hand and sending me out on a little spin before returning me to his waiting chest. The dancers applaud, and the band kicks into Stevie Wonder’s Superstitious. I hear Kate squeal from behind me. ‘More dancing?’ His eyebrow arches on a confident grin as he slowly sways me from side to side.

‘Drink.’ I plead.

‘You can’t keep up with your God, sweet temptress.’ His voice is husky.

We’re the only ones in an embrace as everyone around us gets down to the current offering from the band. Jesse’s right; they are really very good.

He runs his nose up the side of my face and then circles it slowly. ‘Are you happy?’

‘Deliriously.’ I don’t hesitate. That is the easiest question I’ve ever had to answer. I pull him closer to me. There is too much space between us.

‘Then my work here is done.’ He pushes his face into my neck and breathes in deeply, and I smile in pure and utter bliss as he holds me tight, cocooning me in his arms. I’ve never been so happy, and I know I never will be. I can deal with his past.

‘Your temptress is dying of thirst.’ I say quietly.

I feel him grin against my neck. ‘God forbid.’ he says, releasing me under duress. ‘Come on, I don’t want to be accused of neglecting you.’ He turns me in his arms and starts guiding me from the dance floor.

As I reach the edge, I’m aware of the sudden absence of Jesse’s warm palm at the base of my back and I turn to search him out. My eyes are immediately assaulted at the sight of Jesse’s alarmed face as four women – two of which are voice number one and three from the toilet – grab and stroke him as they manhandle him back onto the dance floor. These women really don’t have any self-respect. I see Kate, Sam and Drew all with incredulous looks on their drunken faces as the women work together to restrain their prey. The poor man is trapped, and short of slapping them down, he’s going nowhere. His distressed face is a result of anxiety because of me watching him fighting off the pack of wolves trying to nail him. And after our recent encounter in his office, he knows he’s not the only one who wants to trample. God only knows what he would do if this situation was in reverse. The dance floor would be a bloodbath.

I walk calmly over to them and Jesse stops struggling against them, watching as I approach. His sudden submission has the women halting in their feeding frenzy. I put my hand out to him and he takes it immediately, all of the women dropping their hands from my man’s body and watching me calmly claiming what is mine. I pull him towards me and spread my contemptuous glare on all four silent women. I say nothing, even though I’m boiling inside at their audacity. I turn, pulling Jesse from the dance floor. I hear a few gasps and definitely a whoop from Kate, but I don’t look back. I’m relishing in the fact that for once, I’m leading Jesse. This has absolutely never happened and it doesn’t for long. I’m scooped up and carried the rest of the way to the bar.


