Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

Chapter 24

‘Good morning.’

I open my eyes to an invasion of natural light, my hearing invaded by the erotic music I remember from the communal room. Jesse’s handsome face is floating above mine and he has his morning stubble. He looks delicious.

I shift my arms in an attempt to grab hold of him, but they go nowhere.

What the hell?

His face breaks out into his dark, roguish grin, and I know immediately what he’s done. I lift my eyes and find my hands are cuffed to the headboard of the bed.

‘Were you planning on going somewhere?’ he asks.

I return my eyes to his and find them hooded, his long lashes fanned. I should have anticipated this. ‘What are you going to do?’ My morning voice is husky for more reasons than one.

‘We’re going to make friends.’ he says on a half-smile. ‘You want to make friends, don’t you?’ His eyebrows rise expectantly.

‘Sleepy sex?’ I try feebly. There is absolutely no chance of me getting my way. I’m not stupid.

‘No, not sleepy sex. I haven’t thought of a name for this one yet.’ he says, reaching over to the bedside table and picking up my gold, satin gift bag from the anniversary dinner.

I don’t remember bringing that home, but then again, I don’t remember bringing myself home either. Jesse did, and he obviously brought that bag with us too.

He straddles his naked body over my hips and sits the bag on my stomach. ‘What have we got in here then?’ he muses as he puts his hand in.

There is little point in asking me. I took one look at Kate’s face when she opened hers and decided there and then that I didn’t want to know. I shift my hands a bit to try and get myself comfortable. Well, as comfortable as I can be with my arms spread and secured to a headboard by handcuffs.

Jesse pulls out a gold vibrator. ‘We don’t need that.’ He looks at it with disgust, before tossing it over his shoulder. I hear it land with a thump on the bedroom floor. ‘What else is there?’ he asks himself. He pulls a small box out and throws that over his shoulder too, with an even more disgusted look on his face. ‘We don’t need those either.’

‘What?’ I ask, but he completely ignores me and carries on rummaging through the bag.

He pulls out a silver satin thong and gives it a thorough inspection before that gets tossed over his shoulder too. ‘Not lace.’ he mutters, returning to the bag.

I look at him in slight amusement, straddled on my hips, a scowl firmly in place. He’s not impressed. He pulls out a card, reads it and scoffs, before tearing it up and throwing it to join the other offenders on the floor.

‘What was that?’ I ask, completely intrigued.

He glances up at me briefly. ‘Nothing you’ll ever need.’ he grumbles.


‘A voucher for botox.’ he mutters. I laugh and he flicks me a devilish grin. Sarah definitely organised the party bags. I wish he hadn’t of tore it up; I would have donated it to her. ‘These bags are crap.’ he spits, before taking one last thing out and tossing the bag on the floor with the other criminal contents. ‘This looks interesting.’ he muses, holding up a black rubber ring attached to a small, metal, bullet type contraption.

‘What the hell is that?’ I blurt.

He holds it up and runs his eyes over it before returning them to me. He smiles knowingly and leans forward, plumping a pillow under my head and kissing me chastely on the lips, ‘I want you to have a good view.’ he whispers, before returning to his position over my hips and lifting himself up to his knees.

What is he doing? He takes the black rubber loop and starts to slide it over his erection and it all, very swiftly, becomes very clear. ‘Oh no! If I don’t get battery operated devices, neither do you!’ I yell irritably, but he ignores me. ‘Hey!’ I shout.

He keeps his eyes on his hands as he rolls the loop to the base of his arousal and positions the bullet on his shaft. I huff and throw my head back onto the pillow, looking up at the ceiling. I want to do that! Even with my eyes off the God like creature straddling me, all I can think of are all things erotic with this music surrounding me.

‘Look at me.’ he demands, but I keep my eyes firmly pointing upwards. I feel the mattress sink next to my head from his fist resting in it, then his other hand clasping my jaw. ‘Look.’ It’s his tone that dares me to disobey. He shakes my jaw lightly, and I find my eyes falling down to his. They are bright pools of green lust and his lips are parted. ‘Kiss me now, Ava.’ He lowers his head and I raise mine to get him on me without delay.


