Beneath This Man Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas (This Man #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: This Man Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 214
Estimated words: 202638 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1013(@200wpm)___ 811(@250wpm)___ 675(@300wpm)

I’m watching, completely rapt, as she laps up the attention with intermittent moans, telling them they are making her a very happy woman, and I’m shocked to feel hugely turned on. She is being showered with attention from these men and their only pleasure is her pleasure.

I know Jesse’s eyes are on me again, I can’t look at him.

Just then, the guy at her thighs nods to the two men on her breasts – a silent signal – and they all release her from their touch. She yells at the loss of contact, but then cries out as her legs are pushed up, her knees apart and a mouth is slammed on her swelling folds. I cross my legs as I stand, then feel Jesse’s hand relax around mine before squeezing hard.

Another of the men takes her mouth in a greedy claim while the last man goes back to her breasts. His hands cup both mounds, teasing and petting, while his tongue runs a trail between them, before he finally divides the attention of his tongue between each one at steady interludes. Each of the men frequently gaze up to her face and each time they are rewarded with a look of pure satisfaction, which seems to embolden them. She is being worshipped by three magnificent males and you would have to be a nun for it not to turn you on.

Swiftly, her body noticeably tenses – a visual display that she is about to orgasm. I tense on the spot too. The attention increases as they get the signal she is close and everything suddenly becomes urgent. The man at her mouth catches her moans with his hard kiss and her knees spread further to give the man between her thighs better access. They’re working as a team, building her up for explosion.

And then she falls apart on a loud cry that is only slightly stifled by one male’s mouth. They work her through her orgasm, slowing the friction and speed of their strokes and licks. She relaxes and goes quiet as the men return to gently caressing her body with their mouths and hands. The man at her mouth releases her lips and reaches up to unbind her hands from the leather bond. He smiles as she rubs her wrists lightly and after a few minutes, she stretches out on the fur throw, her actions symbolic of satisfaction personified, and her gaze falls on Jesse again.

I shake my head in disbelief. Does she want to stand up and take a bow? Despite her brashness, though, it was pretty incredible and I was enthralled, but now I’ve got the inevitable niggling feeling of inadequacy. Jesse has been up here, he has done these things and he has done it with plenty of woman, some of which are in this room. How many and to what extent? I suddenly feel the flex of Jesse’s hand between mine and realise that I have a vice hold on him. I gaze up at him and loosen my grip.

He’s watching me carefully, trying to work out my thoughts and then he turns his full body to face me and takes my other hand. ‘You’re not an exhibitionist, Ava, and I love you all the more for it. You are mine and mine only and I am only yours. Do you understand me?’ His voice is laced with concern. He knew what I was thinking.

My bones turn to mush, my heart misses too many beats and I stagger forward slightly. He pulls me into him, my forehead meeting his shoulder. He is solid and warm and all mine.

‘Fucking hell.’ he whispers as his chest concaves on a deep breath. ‘I can’t tell you how much I love you.’ He kisses the top of my head. ‘Come on, I want to dance with you.’ He breaks away and tucks me under his arm to head for the door. After watching all of that, he wants to dance with me? He leans down. ‘I bet if I checked, you’d be wet.’ he says softly. My breath catches and I hear him laugh quietly. ‘Only for me.’ he reminds me. Not that I need reminding.

I glance over my shoulder and come to an abrupt, shocked halt. I watch as the woman is flipped over onto her hands and knees and one man slams into the back of her as another one of the men kneels in front of her. He trusts himself straight into her mouth, silencing her shocked yelps. My eyes widen at the sudden change in approach. They both pump into her, one at each end of her body, and the third man starts circling the kneeling mass of bodies. What the hell is he going to do?

Oh no!

I watch in horror as the third man collects something from the nearby cabinet and then lowers himself to the floor on his knees at the back of her. The other man pulls out and spreads her cheeks, giving him access to her arse. I need to walk away. I need to leave now, but I’m transfixed as I watch him insert something. I have no idea what, but it’s big and it’s only half submerged when he’s finished. I can’t rip my eyes away. He then leaves to allow the other man to re-enter her on a yell before he positions himself on his back under the woman. He grabs a breast with one hand, lifts his head and takes the other in his mouth, and then wraps his spare hand around his cock.


