Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

A green stardust trail lit the sky up and she gasped. Another one followed, this time orange. She gasped again as a blue one shot across the sky from the opposite direction.

“That’s a-amazing.” She rolled off him and scampered up to a sitting position and leaned toward the railing of the terrace to get a better view. Or, taking the opportunity to undo the closeness that had been making her feel uncomfortable.

“It’ll be quite a star show tonight actually.”

“Why? Are there fireworks or something?”


“Colorful err… sky explosions. We do them on the fourth of July and on other occasions. At Disney World I think they have them every night. You light them and they… boom… fly up, then light up the sky with colorful gunpowder.”

He only understood a little of that. “Just something that happens from time to time around here. A series of events with shooting stars, starbursts, sometimes even supernovas. They often happen separately but tonight there’s quite a lot of events happening at once. Our planet is in a great position for visibility for plenty of these events.”

Stars twinkled brightly and pink stardust burst from one, sending a spray of it through the sky like a waterfall.

“It’s gorgeous,” she breathed with astonishment.

“I agree,” he said. “They happen often so I don’t often think about them, but you’re right. It’s gorgeous.”

He was sitting beside her now, wishing she were again on top of him. She reached for his wine and passed it to him and then took her own and sipped it while staring up at the sky.

He enjoyed watching the look of wonder on her face as she stared at the sky.

“This place is amazing,” she said, the reflection of the colors in the sky mirrored in her eyes. Zane put his wine glass down, reached for her, and in a smooth move, hauled her up onto his lap so that she was facing him, straddling him.

She squeaked in surprise, but she did not pull away. He divested her of her wineglass and set it beside his.

Her hands went to his shoulders.

She started to say “hi” again, but before she finished getting the “h” sound out, Zane’s mouth was on hers. He hungrily kissed her while pulling her tighter against his body, wrapping his left arm around her and tugging on that knot in her hair until he got the springy band out of it, making her hair fall in soft waves around her shoulders. He thrust his hand into her hair and held it while dipping his tongue in between her soft lips.

She whimpered, twisted her tongue up with his, grinded against his crotch, and fuck, but that was it; his self-control snapped. He flipped her so that she was on her back in the daybed and her legs immediately wound around his middle as he rolled his hips to grind up against her, mouth still attacking her sugary sweet lips.

He trailed kisses down her jaw to her earlobe, suckling it in for a beat, and then continuing down her slender neck to the crook, making her shiver. He kissed, he nipped, and he licked as he got his hand under her perfect round bottom and squeezed. She was panting.

“Holy shit,” she groaned and then her hands grasped at the fabric of his shirt at his back. She fumbled, working his shirt up so she could get her palms onto his bare back.

He made his way to between her breasts and then, knees planted in the cushions, put both hands to her torso and slid them under her blue blouse until he was cupping both of her breasts over her bra.

Her legs wound tighter around him as she wiggled up, seeking friction between her thighs, then connected again against his cock through his trousers, digging her nails into his back just a little and raking them straight up his back.

While she did that, rocking against him, his left thumb crept into the cup of her bra and slid over an erect nipple. Her back arched and that gave him the space to whip her blouse up and over her head. He yanked the cup of the pretty white bra aside and took her nipple into his mouth and sucked. Hard. She whimpered and rocked harder against him, now grinding against his thigh. His hand slid down the front of her pants and he found her sopping wet inside silky panties. His middle and index fingers slid up and down from her swollen clit to her opening. He rammed a finger into her tight channel, eliciting another gasp from her, and then she let out a sweet little whimper. He worked to get another one of those whimpers, making her cry out by strumming her clit with his thumb, continuing to suck and lick that nipple. Both her hands were in his hair as she rode his hand, digging her heels into his ass.


