Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

I carried them out and wobbled a little at the doorway and spilt a bit of wine. Oh shit. Zane’s beautiful plush champagne-colored carpet!

“I’m so sorry, I had an itty-bitty spill,” I told him, climbing into the pyramid. “Take these and I’ll go clean it up.”

“Don’t worry. The machine will clean it tomorrow.”

“It’ll stain long before then,” I told him. “We need to tackle that stain right away. This is red wine, Zane!”

“Calm, Tanya. This isn’t a problem. The house cleaning machines can deal with it if there’s a stain, but my carpeting is also stain-resistant.” He looked amused.

I pursed my lips and tilted my head. “I didn’t think white rugs were very practical, especially with you having a four-year-old son, but now I can see why. Super-duper cleaning machines.”

“You feeling okay, shortcake?” He looked amused.

“Yeppers. Your wine is fabulous. I think I’m a bit tipsy.”

“I could check your blood alcohol level and see.”

“Nope. Don’t do that. Because then you’ll try to take this from me, and you can’t have it.” I cradled my wineglass close, protectively. “It’s all mine.” I took a healthy sip.

“You’re drunk, shortcake. Maybe you’d better quit. I’ll order you some razzleberry juice.”

“No. I’m good,” I insisted. I felt a spike of panic. I had to put my liquid courage to good use. “In fact, I am more than good.” I put the wine down on the built-in table in the corner of the pyramid and scooted closer to him. I looked up at him.

“Hi,” I said.

He smirked.

“You’re very tall,” I informed him, seeing where his feet were compared to where mine were.

He licked his lips and put his wine down beside mine.

“I guess to you, I am.”

“And… gorgeous,” I told him. My heartrate was spiking. “Really.”

“You think so?” He shifted onto his side so that he was lounging rather than sitting.

I followed his lead and did the same, balancing on my hip and on my elbow. Now we were face to face, close – maybe a foot between us. Or less.

“When you came at me… I was… phew…”

Shit. I had no game. No game at all. He looked amused, instead of turned on.

“Phew?” he asked.

I nodded. “Phew. So much.” I let out a little giggle, feeling mildly embarrassed.

He tipped his head curiously and looked like he was about to burst out laughing.

I started feeling desperate. I wasn’t looking to be a comedy show here. I wanted to get lifesaving antibodies so I wouldn’t die. I wanted to have an adventure here on this beautiful planet. And I hadn’t met many people yet, but I felt it, down deep, that Zane would be an ideal person to have that adventure with. If sex equaled marriage with this beautiful man? Sign me up. Yeah, it was reckless but reckless was better than death, right? And from what I’d seen so far, I would not ever have been able to land a catch like this back home. Never. He was handsome. Had his own business. He was protective and sweet. He’d killed a guy who tried to hurt me. Killed him! And the man could kiss like nobody’s business. I mean, I hadn’t been kissed by a whole bunch of men but the way he kissed me reminded me of the best movie kiss awards from MTV.

He didn’t live with his parents like Giorgio. He was successful. And he seemed to actually prefer girls. Kind of a necessity for a marriage with a girl…

The humor on his face vanished as I studied his face while chewing on my lower lip.

Well, here goes nothing… or everything.

I reached up , then I cupped his jaw (Phew, it was chiseled and warm, and I loved the feel of it under my hand) and leaned in to kiss him, but I wasn’t tall enough, so it was a little awkward and my elbow slid, making me sort of fall over as I tried to scoot closer. He caught me and simultaneously rolled to his back, effectively pulling me on top of him.

Oh. Okay. I could work with this.



She was soused. Completely. And he found it adorable. She was also clumsily attempting to make a pass at him, so he decided to help her out.

She was now on top of him, her chest rising and falling with labored breaths. She was aroused. It was in her eyes. It was in her fragrance and the movement of her chest. She wanted him. But yet she looked like she was also frightened for her life.

“Hi,” he tried to break the tension in the way she’d been doing.

“Hi,” she returned in an even throatier tone than usual. The feel of her on top of him? It felt good; it felt perfect.

She was timidly asking him to make a move by staring into his eyes, holding his jaw, but also looking terrified.


