What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“She really is,” Briar agrees with her.

“So, is there something you need to tell me?” Brogan asks her sister.

Briar laughs. “Not yet, but maybe soon.”

“Really?” Brogan asks excitedly.

“Yeah, we both want more, and the girls are going to be turning five soon. We don’t want much more time between them.”

“Briar.” Brogan’s voice cracks. “I’m so happy for you.” She pulls her sister into a side hug.

“Thank you. I never knew it could be like this. There are some days I still feel like it’s all going to disappear, but then Forrest wraps his arms around me, and I remember that I wouldn’t trade a single moment with him. No matter what our future holds, my time with him will be here.” She taps her chest.

“I’m proud of you,” Brogan whispers.

Briar replies, but her voice is too low for me to hear.

“Who wants cake?” Roman asks.

“Cake!” River and Rayne climb to their feet and rush toward the kitchen.

“Girls! Don’t run in the house!” Briar and Forrest call out to them at the same time, making each other laugh. Forrest offers Briar his hand and leads her into the kitchen.

I wrap my arm around Brogan and pull her onto my lap once it’s just us in the living room.

“Do you not want cake?” she asks, furrowing her brow.

“I just needed to hold you for a second.” I hug her tightly. I can’t seem to ever get enough of her. If she’s close, I need to be next to her. Something tells me that’s never going to change.

“You okay?” She turns to look at me, resting her palm against my cheek.

“I’m perfect. Being here with them, and their kids, it makes me excited for us to get there. I know we’re not ready yet, but it’s something to look forward to, you know?”

“That’s… not what I expected you to say.”

“I know you need time, but as soon as you’re ready, you let me know.”

“Knock knock,” Maggie says as she opens the front door and steps inside, ending our conversation before she can reply. “Hey, you two.” She smiles when she sees us snuggled up on the couch.

“Hey,” Brogan greets her. “I’m glad you could make it.”

“Me too. I picked up a shift before I knew the party was today, but it was only a half a day, so I hope I didn’t miss too much.”

“Presents,” Brogan tells her. “They’re in the kitchen serving cake now.”

“I could go for a nice big piece of cake after that shift. It might have only been half a day, but it was busy.” Maggie chuckles and heads toward the kitchen.

“We better go before they eat it all,” I tell my wife.

“Did you see the size of that cake?” Her eyes grow wide. “No way they can eat all that.”

“Lachlan has a sweet tooth,” I tease. It’s not a complete lie, but even he can’t devour that big-ass birthday cake.

Brogan laughs as she leans in and pecks a quick kiss to my lips. “Come on, you.” She stands, pulls me from the couch, and I follow her into the kitchen. We make it just in time to sing “Happy Birthday” and watch Lilly devour her own little mini cake, making a mess of herself and, well, everything around her. Roman and Emerson smile as they watch her, and Emerson snaps picture after picture.

It’s a great day with family and celebrating Lilly. She’s not the oldest anymore, but she was our first Everlasting Ink baby. I love them all the same, but Lilly will always be the first. It’s also been a day of affirmation for me. I know that Brogan is my future, and I’m certain we’ll get our happy ending.

“Just think, we get to do that again in three weeks.” Brogan laughs as she sits on the couch next to me. “I can’t believe River and Rayne are turning five. It feels like it was just yesterday we were bringing them home from the hospital.”

“Sounds like it won’t be long until they’re bringing another home from the hospital.”

“Yeah.” She smiles. “I’m so happy for them.” She leans over and rests her head on my shoulder.

“A lot has changed in a year.” I think back to River and Rayne’s fourth birthday party that the guys and I pretty much crashed. I mean we were invited, but I don’t think they expected all five of us to show up.

“Right? It’s been a good year, though.”

“The best,” I say, wrapping my arms around her.

“I should get up and do something before I fall asleep. There must have been something in that cake,” she says, covering a yawn.

“We’re napping. Nothing needs to be done right now. Here or the bedroom?”


I manage to lie down without either of us standing up, and she takes the spot in front of me. I reach for the blanket that she keeps on the back of the couch and cover us with it.


