What About Now (Everlasting Ink #4) Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Everlasting Ink Series by Kaylee Ryan

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73884 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 369(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 246(@300wpm)

“Both of them.” Legend laughs.

“What about you?” I ask him.

“Yeah, as soon as Monroe’s ready.”

I watch as Monroe hands Kane to Brogan and says something before moving down the hall. “I’ll be right back.”

“Bring my son back with you,” Legend calls after me.

I wave over my shoulder as I make my way toward Brogan and baby Kane. “Hey,” I say, offering Kane my finger, and he latches on, giving me a gummy smile. “Look at you, little man. Growing like a weed,” I tell him.

“He’s the sweetest,” Brogan says, smiling down at the baby in her arms.

“You need one of those,” Lachlan says, joining us.

“We need a couple, but we’re in no hurry,” I tell him.

“Maybe you’ll have twins. That’d be cool. Three sets of twins in the family.” Lachlan nods like it’s the best news he’s heard all day.

“Maybe Forrest and Briar will have twins,” I tell him.

Lachlan grins and points his index finger at me. “Four sets. Hell yeah, that’s cool as hell.”

“What’s cool as h e double hockey sticks?” Forrest asks. He has a daughter on each hip.

“Twins,” Lachlan replies, keeping his answer basic, not to confuse River and Rayne, making them think there is going to be another set of twins.

“I’m a twin,” River says.

“Me too,” Rayne says, laying her head on Forrest's shoulder.

“That’s right. Just like Mommy and Aunt Brogan,” Forrest tells them.

“Come here, Rayne. Uncle Maddox needs some of that love.” I reach for her and she comes into my arms, resting her head against my shoulder, just like she did with her dad.

“Me too. Hand her over, Daddy. You’re a daughter hog.” Lachlan holds his arms out.

“Daddy’s a daughter hog,” River repeats with a giggle as she holds her arms out for Lachlan to take her.

“Daddies do that,” Roman says, joining us, bouncing Lilly on his hip.

“We need more babies,” Forrest grumbles.

“I’m taking mine,” Legend says, reaching for Kane.

Brogan turns, blocking him. “I just got him,” she whines.

“I lost mine too,” Forrest tells him.

“Who’s going to even this up? We need two more. Mad? Lach? Rome? Forrest?” Legend asks.

“What are we talking about?” Monroe asks. She looks at Brogan. “Want me to take him?”

“No.” She smiles at her friend, and my heart squeezes. I love seeing her like this. It’s easy to imagine it’s our baby in her arms. Fuck me, I can’t wait for that day.

“We need more babies,” Legend tells Monroe, stepping behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

She leans into him. “Not it.” She laughs. “I just need a few more months, then we can talk.” Legend whispers something in her ear, making her blush.

“I think Lilly needs a little brother,” Monroe says as Emerson joins our little huddle, snuggling up to her husband.

“Why are we all huddling on this side of the room? And a little brother or little sister, I’d take either,” Emerson adds with a shrug.

“Baby girl?” Roman speaks up. “We have a room full of babysitters.” The way he’s looking at her, I fear she might get pregnant by immaculate conception.

“Gah! Stop that!” Forrest covers his ears, making us laugh. He’s teasing. He’s long past worried about his best friend being married to his little sister.

“And we should be next. The girls are going to be five,” Forrest answers.

“What are we next for?” Briar asks. She hands each of their daughters a juice box before going to Forrest’s side and snuggling against him.

“I want a baby brother,” Rayne says.

“We need more boys, huh?” I ask her.

“I’d like a sister too,” she tells me, and everyone laughs.

“Daddy, can we have one of each?” River asks Forrest.

“We’ll see what we can do, Razzle,” he says, using his nickname for her. He kisses Briar’s temple, and she smiles up at him.

Briar returns his with one of her own. “We’ll see,” she eventually answers.

My eyes go back to my wife, only to find her watching me. She smiles and takes her eyes back to the baby in her arms.

“You ready for presents, Lilly?” Emerson asks her daughter.

“Pwesents.” Lilly nods.

“Let’s do it.” Roman kisses her cheek and moves farther into the living room. We all follow him to find a seat. Monroe takes Kane back and sits on Legend’s lap as she holds Kane on hers.

River and Rayne are on the floor with Forrest as they help Lilly with her presents. Emerson sits nearby with her camera, snapping pictures. Lachlan’s in the recliner, and Briar is on the couch with Brogan and me. Lilly laughs her way through her gifts, and River and Rayne are thrilled to be able to help her open them. Lilly is still at the age that she’d rather play with the wrapping paper, but eventually, with the help of her older cousins, she makes her way through all of her gifts.

“She’s such a cutie,” Brogan comments.


