Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet
Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)
Curtained off from the rest of the cathedral, we’ve all been squeezed into a dusty, unused corner as if we’re something that should be tucked away and hidden. The small area shadowed in darkness by the thick curtain, the only light we have is provided by an ancient, brassy candelabra.
The flames flickering at the tops of the candles dance an erratic dance, making everything look like it’s straight out of a nightmare.
Silently counting all the heads of curls, white ribbons, and ponytails ahead of me, I mentally add up nine other girls.
I recognize a couple of girls ahead of me from Sunday Masses, Michelle and Trinity, but I don’t actually know them. I’ve never played with them.
My mother absolutely detests playdates.
The other girls, though, are complete strangers.
“Our Prophet will look into your souls and he will know your future worth!” Sister Agatha declares as she reaches the beginning of the line and turns with a flourish to face everyone. Her gaunt, almost sickly, face flushed with righteousness. “All will be known to him. Your thoughts. Your prayers. Your desires. Your wishes. Your good deeds. Your sins! Your wickedness! You will not be able to hide anything!”
Some of the girls glance nervously at each other while the others look like they’re about to cry at any second.
“Only the pure of heart will pass the Judging. Only those truly devoted to God will be found worthy. All others will be doomed to burn in the fires of Hell for eternity!” Sister Agatha bellows, spittle flying out of her mouth.
Pausing to catch her breath, her hawkish gaze falls upon each of us.
Weighing us and judging us herself before she asks, “Do you know what eternity is, girls?”
Before anyone can work up the courage to answer, she goes on. “It is forever. It is never-ending! You will burn. You will suffer. You will feel unimaginable pain. You will want to die, but you will never die. And no one will save you. No one will help you. Not even your parents! All you will know is misery!”
Several girls burst into tears.
I’m so worried, so afraid, I can’t move. Terror gripping me.
Why didn’t my father warn me?
Sister Agatha’s thin lips stretch into a scary smile. “If you have misdeeds to repent for, I strongly suggest you repent now. Repent silently in your hearts! Beg our Lord, our Savior, for forgiveness! Or be Judged for them!”
A couple of girls begin to blubber and sob, begging God for forgiveness out loud.
Stomping her heel hard into the floor, Sister Agatha’s voice cracks like a whip. “I said silently! Unless, that is, you want to burn!”
Silence falls upon us once more, only interrupted by uncomfortable shifting and soft, wet sniffles.
The fist of terror squeezing my heart tighter, I mentally beg God to forgive me for all I’ve done. For being stupid. For not pleasing my mother.
For thinking bad things about her.
I’ll do better.
I promise I’ll be better.
Please, I don’t want to burn in Hell.
Sister Agatha walks up and down the line, her eyes narrowed to slits and her upper lip curling up in a sneer until there’s a commotion beyond the curtain.
The floor vibrates beneath my feet, and it sounds like everyone in the cathedral is rushing to stand at once. The smell of smoky incense fills the air, then the notes of a hymn sung by a single voice in Latin echoes off the walls.
At first, the hymn is as soft as a whisper, like the singer is giving everyone a chance to quiet down and listen.
But it quickly grows louder, demanding to be heard above all others.
The notes are so strong, sung so perfectly, the hymn is like an arrow that pierces my soul and resonates in my bones. Tears prick at my eyes again, but these tears are not from pain.
They’re from the sheer beauty of it.
I don’t know any of the words, but with the song filling me I swear I feel God.
It’s like I’m being cocooned by a soft, fluffy cloud. Then it becomes stronger, like I’m being hugged by a phantom pair of arms.
I feel His forgiveness.
I feel His love.
He knows I didn’t mean to commit any sins.
He knows I’m a good girl.
I’ll always be His good girl.
All I have to do, all that is required of me, is love Him in return…
The song ends and the pair of phantom arms hugging me fades away. Leaving me to face Sister Agatha and the Judging alone.
But I’m no longer worried or afraid.
God loves me and He’s on my side.
I will be found worthy.
I am already worthy.
“It is time,” Sister Agatha says with a finality that causes one girl to whimper.
My heart aches for her. She must not have felt God’s love in the hymn like I did.
Grabbing the red curtain, Sister Agatha pulls it back and says, “Sara, you’re first. I’ll accompany you. The rest of you, remain here and remain quiet. Continue to repent until I return.”