Wanted (The Un #2) Read Online Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: , Series: Sean Moriarty
Series: The Un Series by Izzy Sweet

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 109192 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 546(@200wpm)___ 437(@250wpm)___ 364(@300wpm)

I’ve felt those huge, clenched fists of his pound into my flesh many times, but it’s always done in punishment, and always done with Sister Agatha present.

As awful and sick as Sister Agatha is, her cruelty does have some limits.

She never allows him to go too far. Bones are not to be broken. Organs are not to be harmed. I must be able to walk away on my own free will.

A visit to the hospital would draw too much unwanted attention and questions.

Yet Sister Agatha isn’t here right now…

Afraid to answer his question, I grip my blanket even tighter and slowly shake my head.

Perhaps if I admit that is indeed the case, he’ll be satisfied and leave. But I can’t bring myself to do it.

I can’t bring myself to accept and embrace the horrible creature they believe me to be.

I’m not evil. I have no desire to corrupt others, and I can’t pretend otherwise.

Not if I want to keep what little sanity I have left.

Jeffrey’s chest rises as he sucks in a deep breath, and I find myself holding my own breath, hoping he’ll back down and let the whole matter go. But then he suddenly lunges forward, moving with more speed than a man his size should be capable of.

I shriek as he grabs my blanket and rips it away from me. The rough fabric burning the flesh of my palms as it’s pulled from my grip.

Tossing my blanket to the side, where I can’t reach it, his gaze instantly drops. But it doesn’t drop to all the blood staining my bed.

His gaze drops to my chest and remains there.

I watch as his eyes seem to fill up with something almost... hungry and feral.

An unfamiliar expression that strangely feels familiar. Like I’ve glimpsed it before in a nightmare.

He stares at my breasts pushing against my white nightgown with an intensity that causes me to freeze as if I was just turned into stone.

He’s never looked at me like this before.

Like he wants to… eat me.

I can’t seem to get enough air as he bends over my bed and slaps his palms down.

Panting, I feel like I’m about to pass out in terror.

Then he finally looks down and sees all the blood staining my sheets.

His flushed expression suddenly pales.

“What is this?!” he practically shouts in my face before he rears back.

Finding his feet, he stumbles away from my bed.

His look of horror mirroring my own.

I was so worried about what he was about to do to me, my unexpected period slipped my mind.

Thinking fast, I decide to play dumb and hope he buys it. “I must have hurt myself in my sleep.”

His eyes grow wider with more shock. “You hurt yourself there? How?”

I open my mouth to try to explain it, but I can’t think of anything believable that won’t make the whole situation even worse.

Jeffrey takes a stumbling step back, and the way his expression changes, the way he looks at me, makes me feel as low as a worm squirming in the dirt.

I can just imagine the things running through his head. All the evil things they’ve convinced him I’m capable of doing.

My bottom lip trembles in earnest as I sit up and plead, “Please, Jeffrey… Don’t tell Sister Agatha. I don’t know how it happened. It happened in my sleep.”

Something close to compassion flashes across his face, as if he actually pities my plight, but then he slowly shakes his head.

Sensing this is my last chance before he fully turns on me, I plead again. “Please, Jeffrey. Please. I’ll never ask you for anything ever again.”

Jeffrey shakes his head harder then his jaw clenches.

“No,” he says, taking another step back. “No. I will not lie for you.”

Turning away, he stomps toward my door, and desperation seizes me by the throat. Scrambling forward, I chase after him.

Dignity be damned.

“It’s not what it looks like! I swear!” I lie, half-believing it myself. “You know what she’ll do to me!”

Jeffrey continues to march to the door with steely determination.

I manage to grab his arm just as he yanks the door open.

My fingers dig into his firm biceps as I sob, “Just this once, Jeffrey. This once. Please.”

I watch his nostrils flare as he sucks in a sharp breath. Then he slowly turns his head to look at me.

Tears filling my eyes, I stare hard into his, silently begging him to spare me from what’s to come next.

It wouldn’t be a lie or a sin for him to keep this secret.

Jeffrey’s face actually softens as he takes in my tears, and my heart flutters with a brief moment of hope.

Only to crack in half when he looks down at my hand on his arm.

All traces of sympathy on his face melts into anger.

Ripping his arm out of my grip, he shoves me away with his other hand. “I will not lie for you, harlot! I will not let you turn me from God!”


