Unmasked Legacy (Fallen Sons MC #1) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Fallen Sons MC Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 60576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)

I don’t look at him.

I don’t speak to him.

Hell, I’m not sure I’m even breathing.

Right now, it feels like I could be done with this living thing and be completely okay with it.

I have nothing left, I have nobody in my corner, and my heart has been broken into a thousand tiny pieces.

There is simply nowhere to go from here.

“You gotta let me explain,” Wolfe murmurs low as he places me down on the couch, ordering someone to bring a first-aid kit.

“Go to hell,” I whisper, turning my head away, staring at the pale-yellow sofa and feeling my soul slowly slip from my body.

He doesn’t say anything else.

What is the point?

He knows that nothing he can say will ever make up for what he’s done.

“Here, Pres.”

Kael’s voice fills my ears, but I don’t bother turning.

“Get me warm water, salt, and somethin’ for the pain,” Wolfe orders.

“On it.”

He begins cleaning my knees, and even though they’re throbbing from the impact, I don’t even flinch as he drags the alcohol cleanser over my exposed flesh. I close my eyes, and the tears continue to fall. Everything that has happened today has only solidified the fact that I should never have come back here. I wanted to heal, to find answers, and instead all I have done is damage myself so deeply, I’m afraid there is no coming back.

My therapist would have a field day with this information.

“I didn’t do it to hurt you.”

Wolfe’s voice is a low growl.

“I don’t fucking care,” I croak. “I hate you.”


Staring into the darkness, my soul feels utterly empty.

I need to get out of here, but my mind is such a mess. I fear the mistakes that will be made if I rush out of here.

“Want some?”

The voice comes from beside me, and I see Knox. He isn’t someone I’m overly familiar with, so I’m surprised to see him sitting beside me on the old fallen tree in the compound. He passes me a joint, and I take it without hesitation. Something needs to make me feel better, and I’m willing to try anything at this point.

“Thanks,” I murmur, bringing the joint to my lips and inhaling. It’s strong, and I immediately cough as the smoke billows from my mouth.

Passing the joint back to him, I put a hand to my chest to steady my racing heart. My body isn’t used to this kind of high, and my head immediately begins spinning. Oh boy, well, it’s a distraction, that’s for sure. Knox brings the joint to his mouth, inhaling long and deep, not a single cough escaping him. Bloody bikers. Always got to do one better.

He exhales slowly into the cool night air, the gray smoke swirling into the darkness. I watch it vanish into the emptiness before turning my gaze back to him. Such a striking man, as they all are. It makes me wonder why they’re among the few in the club without partners. Is it because they’re younger, or does Wolfe prefer to gather the ones who are broken?

“You should let him explain.”

I frown, then shake my head. If he’s about to give me a lecture on how I should feel sorry for Wolfe and not be hurt, then I’ll get up and leave.

“Do you know who my father is, or have you all forgotten the hell he brought on this town?”

“Nobody has forgotten shit, but what you think Rook did, I promise you is different from the truth. Hear him out, you might be surprised at how you feel after.”

I shake my head, frustrated. “He lied to me, used me, and lord knows what else. He doesn’t give a single crap about me, and I have nothing to say to him.”

Knox mutters something under his breath. I turn to him. “Say it out loud, I know you want to.”

“You don’t want to mess with me, Red. I’m not the kind of man who pulls punches. I’ll tell you like it is, and trust me, you won’t fuckin’ like it.”

I blink, but I don’t look away.

I can take it. I’m done with people dancing around me.

“Say what you want to say.”

He inhales the joint again. “I think you’re so fucked up from your past that you’re not willing to truly see the good in anyone. You’re walking around with a victim complex, and you’re not going to even try and let that go. If you want the truth, you need the whole truth, not just the bits you feel like hearing.”

His words hit me right where it hurts, and I flinch.

“You can fight me, or you can take a hard look at yourself. I’m not justifying his actions, but he had his reasons. You’ll never understand them because you haven’t given him a chance to explain. And you, it’s time to carve out your own damn identity instead of hiding in your father’s shadow. Sometimes, I wonder if you’re too comfortable there.”


