Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 60576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 60576 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 303(@200wpm)___ 242(@250wpm)___ 202(@300wpm)
Shaking my head, I focus back on Harry who has been speaking to me but I haven’t heard a word of it. I zoned out when he told me they wouldn’t allow him to reopen my mother’s case. They believed there was enough evidence to prove that she took her own life, and there were no signs of foul play to indicate otherwise.
It’s a blow to my progress.
A hurtful fucking sting.
“Sorry,” I say, my voice steady. “I ... I just need some air.”
Pushing out of the chair, I get to my feet and dart toward the door, needing to get the hell out of here.
“I’m sorry, Mera,” Harry calls, and I pause. “I will keep trying.”
I glance back at him. “It’s okay, you’ve done what you can.”
“It’s good news that your father had an accomplice, because it takes some of the heat off you with Nia missing.”
My chest tightens. “I didn’t realize there was so much heat on me.”
He stares down at the desk guiltily for a minute, exhaling. “If the higher ups had it their way, there would have been a lot more. I’ve been pushing. I’m on your side, but it hasn’t been easy.”
I offer a broken smile. “I appreciate that. I’ll talk soon, okay?”
He nods, and I get the hell out of there.
Rushing out of the police station, I slam straight into a hard, rugged body. Leaping back, I am faced with a man I haven’t seen before. A biker, clearly, judging by the loud and proud leather jacket he is wearing. He’s part of Wolfe’s club, but I haven’t met him. He is, of course, something spectacular.
Standing over six feet tall with tattoos and muscles, he is a tall drink of water.
His eyes, green like grass, are striking against his olive skin.
He sports a beard, long, thick dark hair, and wears chains around his neck.
His powerful presence is captivating, leaving me momentarily speechless.
“Wolfe is lookin’ for you.”
I blink, taking another minute to gather myself. “I’m sorry, do I know you?”
“Haven’t met yet,” he answers, gruffly. “Name is Knox.”
The one who was away.
Havoc, they call him.
“Right,” I answer, taking a step back. “I’m busy right now so you can tell Wolfe that I’m not coming.”
Knox raises his brows, seemingly shocked at my bravado. “Not doin’ that, woman. You’re comin’ with me.”
I don’t think so.
“You can try and make me but considering I’m out the front of a police station and I always have the entire town’s eyes on me, I would say that you have little chance of forcing me. I will scream, do not doubt it. You can tell Wolfe to go and fuck himself. Now, if you’ll excuse me ...”
He reaches out to take my arm, but I have already anticipated that move. I have spent enough time with the club to know how they work. I dodge him easily, and then I run. If I guessed correctly, I don’t think he’ll chase me, and I’m right. He doesn’t. So, I get the hell out of there, not looking back to see what he’s doing.
Another biker who is going to put me on their shit list.
I don’t have time to care.
I am going to get my answers, then I’m getting the hell out of this town.
The first place I’m going is the library. Yesterday didn’t end how I had hoped, so now I’m left to get back on the search myself. I’m curious about what clue that library holds, and I’m going to track it down myself. Wolfe be damned.
I catch a cab there, figuring it is the quickest option.
I’ve been texting with Jace over the last few days, and he’s been adamant about catching up. I should, I know I should, but things haven’t been going exactly as planned. I feel horrible, because he has been one of the only people who has been kind to me, and I hate that I’m not giving him the attention he really does deserve.
I make a mental note to see him later.
Right now, I have to do this.
Getting out at the library, I pay the cab driver and then stand before the beautiful building, just taking it in. The library stands as a testament to history, with its grand entrance surrounded by elaborate carvings and towering columns. Stone stairs lead up to large, double wooden doors.
Making my way inside, I am presented with the breathtaking high ceilings and rows of towering wooden shelves, which house countless books bound in leather and cloth. Sunlight filters through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished marble floors.
In the center, a spiral staircase winds its way up to a mezzanine, offering a view of the reading areas below. Quiet areas with plush armchairs invite visitors to lose themselves in the pages of a book, while antique chandeliers cast a warm, inviting glow over the entire space.