Thin Ice (The Elmwood Stories #4) Read Online Lane Hayes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Elmwood Stories Series by Lane Hayes

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 79621 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 318(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

I twisted in my seat, and sure enough…all eyes were on our table.

Okay, then. I was out.

And you know what? I felt really fucking good about it.

Riley smiled as he leaned across the table. “Welcome to the club.”

I swung by Bryson’s office after breakfast, hoping he was in. It was Monday, and I assumed he’d be back from Syracuse. Tracy said he was expected in the office tomorrow.

Fuck. I should have thought of making sure he was in town and then blabbed. I wanted him to hear it from me.

Well, the cat was out of the bag, and I didn’t want to lose my momentum. I left a message for Jimmy and called my mother too. Jimmy would return my call later and my mom…well, I’d send more money after work.

I had meetings at the high school before hockey. The principal wanted me to teach a health and nutrition class next year, which meant I’d need to get a certification.

To teach. Me.

Damn, that was wild, but I liked the idea. I even forgot my own “news” for a while, too busy working out titles for myself. Professor Smitty. Prof Paluchek. The professor. The maestro, Sir Smitty.

I remembered at practice, though.

“It’s nobody’s business, but I’m going to tell you anyway, ’cause I hate gossip and it’s better to hear the truth from the horse’s mouth.” I chuckled at their collective confusion and worried glances. “Christ, I’m not dying, idiots. I’m bisexual. That’s it. Anyone got anything to say?”


The weird, awkward kind. Oh, shit.

I wondered if I’d overstepped a coach-player rule. Maybe I should have run my confession by the principal or⁠—

“My sister’s bi,” Niall said. “She has a girlfriend in college.”

“My cousin’s queer,” Micah added. “Not sure what label they like. I don’t think it matters. They’re just family, ya know?”

Denny stood and tapped his stick on the ground. “You’re family, Coach. You’re our family.”

They tapped their sticks and chanted my name, “Coach, Coach, Coach…”

Great. And now my eyes were leaking. I cleared my throat and raised my hands over my head.

“Thank you. You guys are the best. Now get your butts on the ice. We’ve got a game to win next weekend. You’re not gonna win it if you skate like my great uncle Chuck. Let’s do this!”

That was it.

I was giddy with relief and…hope. I felt like I’d shed layers of clothing on a hot day in summer. I could breathe easier, and the future suddenly seemed brighter. I was borderline euphoric.

But I got nervous when Jimmy’s name lit my screen later that afternoon.

“Yo, I was gonna call you this week. It’s time to talk about summer camp. Got another year in you, buddy?”

I muted the sound on my flat-screen and rested my feet on my new coffee table. “Sorry, man. I can’t. I’m staying here. In Elmwood. They need me for the Juniors’ camp, and I’m taking a class to learn how to teach and stuff.”

“Shut up.”

I chuckled. “Professor Paluchek has a nice ring, eh?”

“Professors teach in college, not high school, genius. But they’ll definitely have to call you mister. Oh, and you gotta wear a suit.”

“Fuck that.”

We snickered like idiots, playfully razzing each other, then switching topics to sports, his kids, Christina, and my sanity.

“Be honest with me, Smitty, are you doing okay? You sound great, but I keep thinking you’ll be home soon.”

“This is home now,” I replied, unthinking.

“Oh. What a second…you met someone! Christina called it.” Jimmy yelled something to his wife in the background that made me laugh, but I was also aware that this might be where the conversation dissolved. “Well, who is she?”

“His name is Bryson. And no, I’m not fucking with you. I’m bi and I’m with a guy. It’s been about six months, and I’m happy. There’re things to figure out, but…yeah. I wanted you to know.”

“Six months,” he repeated. “You’ve been with a man for six months?”


“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? You didn’t think I’d care, did you? I kinda knew you were bi. You had that thing with that trainer before you met Rachel. You never said anything, but I could tell you liked him and—shit, I’m babbling. Sorry. I’m happy for you, man. I know you, and I don’t think you’d say anything unless you were serious about him.”

“I am.”

Jimmy hummed thoughtfully. “I’m comin’ to Elmwood. That’s it. Summer vacation at Uncle Smitty’s house.”

“Good. I hope you and Christina and the kids visit. I’d love to show you around.”

“I want to meet your guy.”

I swallowed hard. “I want that too.”

So…that went well.

For all intents and purposes, I was out. But as I said, I was a greedy asshole. I wanted it all. I wanted Bryson to be my guy.

The way I saw it, I had a few options. I could knock on his door and tell him what I’d done and how I felt. I’d keep it short and sweet, and he’d agree that we should be together. Done deal.


