Theirs (Strength & Heat Trilogy #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Strength & Heat Trilogy Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 151
Estimated words: 139803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 699(@200wpm)___ 559(@250wpm)___ 466(@300wpm)

“Oh, God,” I cried out as he nipped at the curve of my neck.

“Not God, baby,” Julian rasped, sounding just as lost in this as I was. “Just me.”

I released my hold on him, knowing he would hold me up. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head, desperate to feel my skin against his. My skin was blemished, covered in scars from where that asshole had bit me and scratched me, but I knew Julian wouldn’t see that when he looked at me.

He wouldn’t see the ruined, destroyed mess that I was. He would only see the young woman I’d always been.

I yanked my sports bra over my head next, and then I grabbed his hoodie and peeled it over his head, his shirt sliding off with it. I then wrapped my arms around his neck and plastered my upper body to his, moaning against his lips as I angled my head and kissed him.

“Fuck, yes,” Julian breathed as he ran his hands over me. “There she is,” he whispered. “There’s my fucking goddess.”

His goddess.

My heart couldn’t fucking take it.

“Julian, please,” I cried. “I can’t take it. I need you.”

He set me on a random chair that was mostly used for a prop before he stripped completely naked for me. I was panting as I ran my eyes over him, desperate for him to remind me of the kind of woman I was, desperate for him to remind me that for him, I was everything.

He knelt on the hardwood floor and grabbed the legs of the chair I was sitting in and yanked me toward him so he was kneeling between my legs. He gripped the top of my leggings and pulled them down with my panties, dropping them to the floor. He trailed his lips from my ankle all the way up the inside of my leg until his lips were close to my pussy.

He inhaled deeply. “So fucking wet,” he whispered.

Then, he was there, right where I needed him. He yanked my ass to the edge of the chair and draped my legs over his shoulders. I cried out, throwing my head back as I laced my fingers in his curly black hair. I moaned his name as I tightened my thighs on his shoulders and rode his face.

He groaned, sending vibrations through my clit. My breath left me on a choked gasp, his name falling from my lips as I came hard, my body shuddering as wave after wave washed over me.

He gripped my ass in his hands as he stood up, lifting me with him. I gasped when he easily slid inside of me, his arms flexing as he held me up with sheer strength. I wrapped my legs around his waist as his lips covered mine.

He pressed my back against the mirror, and with one hand gripping my ass cheek and his other hand pressed to the mirror beside my head, he thrust up hard into me over and over.

I clutched at his shoulders, trailing my lips over his neck, shoulders, chest, anywhere I could reach. “Fuck, Meghan,” he moaned. “You’re so fucking tight.”

He gripped my arms and pinned them above my head. I was completely at his mercy, and I didn’t care. His eyes stayed locked with mine as I came apart around him, crying out his name as the force of the orgasm momentarily blinded me.

He shouted my name as he came hard. “Fuck,” he wheezed as he quickly turned us around so his back was against the mirror. He slid down to the floor and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight to him.

I rested my head on his shoulder as I squeezed my arms around his waist, my eyes shutting. I didn’t care that we were still in the dance studio. I wanted to rest, and I wanted to rest wrapped up in the strength and safety that was Julian Markos.

He pressed his lips to my cheek. “Sleep, baby. I’ve got you,” he whispered. “No one will bother us.”

I let my eyes finally fall shut, my body completely relaxed and at ease in his arms.

* * *

✶ ✶ ✶

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* * *

I jerked awake when I heard the door to the dance studio open. I protectively tightened my arms around Meghan, but I relaxed when I realized it was only Vincent. He shook his head, but there was a small smile playing on his lips. He held up the key in his hand to show me how he’d gotten in. “There’s a class coming in fifteen minutes,” he told me quietly. “Might want to get out of here.”

He tossed me a throw blanket that was large enough to wrap Meghan in. I arched an eyebrow at him in question as I wrapped it around her. I didn’t care about being naked in front of Vincent. We all showered together after each practice and game.


