The Wedding Wrecker Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

"So what other activities do you have planned?" Lily asked as she shuffled.

"Winter picnic on Thursday," I said. "Though maybe we'll move it indoors given my track record with snow."

"Perfect timing," Marcus said, his professional smile firmly in place. "That's when your new celebrity client's video should be going live, right babe? The one with the high engagement rate?"

I noticed James sit a little straighter. Was he suspicious of Marcus because of his interest in Lily’s business? I could see how it was suspicious, but someone who wasn’t paranoid could also say it was sweet that he was so interested in her career. Some guys couldn’t be bothered to learn a thing about their girlfriend’s company. Marcus already seemed like an expert.

"Oh, right!" Lily brightened. "She has the cutest little cockapoo. I can’t wait to see the video.”

“Right,” Marcus said. “And it’ll be great for⁠—”

"Well, well." A familiar voice made me cringe. "I’m surprised to see you alive and breathing after that spill on the slopes."

Dick sauntered over, followed by the trio of muscle brothers whose names I couldn’t quite remember at the moment. Richard Wellington, brought up the rear.

"I'm fine," I said quickly.

"Doesn't look fine." Dick perched on the arm of my chair, ignoring how James had gone very still. "I know some massage techniques that might help⁠—"

"She said she's fine." James' hand slid possessively around my shoulders. The temperature in his voice dropped about twenty degrees.

"Just trying to help." Dick raised his hands in surrender, but his smirk said otherwise.

"Yes, well." Richard's voice could have frozen the fireplace. "We can't have the wedding planner incapacitated. I trust this won't affect your duties?"

"Of course not, sir."

"Excellent. Though perhaps, next time, you could be more of a professional and stick to activities more suited to your... abilities."

James stood. "Emma's perfectly capable⁠—"

"It's fine," I cut in, touching his arm. The last thing I needed was my fake boyfriend starting a fight with my sister's future father-in-law. Even if the way he'd tensed to defend me was doing funny things to my stomach.

Mr. Wellington cocked an eyebrow in challenge at James, then walked off to order a drink at the bar. One of the muscle brothers gave my shoulder a squeeze.

“Feel better, Emma,” he said in his deep voice. “Let us know if you need anything.”

“Thank you,” I said, trying not to look at the clearly jealous fire in James’ eyes as the men walked off.

"Don't mind my father," Marcus said smoothly. "He doesn’t mean anything by what he said. He just likes to be in control, and he gets a little cranky when it comes to surprises or unforeseen events.”

“It’s alright,” I said. “He hired me to make sure you guys have the perfect wedding, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

We played a few more hands, but even though the conversation never touched on anything beyond innocent, idle talk and competitive teasing, I couldn’t help shaking the feeling that something was off about the interaction.

Eventually, Marcus and Lily excused themselves to go see about some alterations to Marcus’ suit for the big day. I offered to take care of it for them, but the two of them seemed to want the excuse to spend a little time together, so I dropped the idea.

Even though I was usually nervous to be alone with James, I’d grown tired from the ambient music playing in the lobby, the sound of the fireplace, and the white serenity outside. I ended up dozing off with my head in James’ lap while he read a book he plucked from the shelves in the nearby library.

When I woke, I saw it was getting dark outside, and James was idly running a hand through my hair.

Rule number one.

But I was too weak to say anything to stop him. I lay there a while, just enjoying the sensation of his fingers against my scalp. Finally, I stirred because I had to itch my leg.

“Ah, sleeping beauty has awoken.”

I yawned. “Sorry. You didn’t have to stay.”

“I wanted to.”

I cleared my throat awkwardly and sat back up. I could feel my hair was a mess, so I tried to tamp it down a little.

“Well?” James eventually asked. “Ready for bed? Or did you nap too long to go to sleep?”

“No,” I said, yawning again. “I’m definitely tired.”

“That settles it,” he said, standing and taking my arm, as if he was worried I might not be able to walk.

I gave him a look. “I’m just a little tender. I can walk, James.”

“Mhm. This is the same woman who confidently told everyone she could handle Thunder Ridge. I’m not sure I can trust you with your own safety, Em.”

Em. I’d told him not to call me that, but I couldn’t find the energy to correct him this time.

We didn’t talk much until we reached the door to our room.


