The Wedding Wrecker Read Online Penelope Bloom

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

“Should we float the idea to him?” Marcus cut in with his perfect smile. He had that polished look the whole Wellington family seemed born with. "I’ve been telling you we need to capitalize while Pawsh Pets is getting so much media coverage. It would be the perfect time to expand and start offering franchises.”

“Easy, Tiger,” Lily said, touching his bicep and giving him a soft smile. “The most important thing to me is that we take care of the pets. Once I’m confident I could expand without compromising that, then… maybe. But I just want to think about us right now, not the business.”

“Of course,” Marcus said, clasping her hand and giving her a dazzling smile.

“What kind of work does he do, anyway?” Lily asked.

“Um,” I said.

James returned with not only more pillows, but also a soft throw blanket that probably belonged somewhere else in the resort. "Lawyer. Currently not practicing, though,” he said, saving me from having to make something up. “Lift up," he ordered me.

His hands were at my waist before I could protest, lifting me slightly to adjust the cushions. The casual display of strength sent a traitorous shiver down my spine. It really wasn't fair that he could just manhandle me like that and make it seem so effortless.

A girl could almost be forgiven if her mind went straight to him using that strength to do things like throw me over one shoulder and carry me off to a broom closet somewhere.

“Why aren’t you practicing?” Lily asked.

James paused with his hands still fussing over my blanket. “There was a personal issue. I needed to take some time away to think about where I wanted to go with my future.”

“Oh,” Lily said, sounding a little sorry she’d asked.

“I heard you mention Pawsh Pets,” he said, smoothly changing the subject as his fingers lingered a little longer than necessary on my thighs through the blanket. “I remember Emma mentioning it, but she didn’t explain what it is, exactly.”

Did not, I thought. But I was happy to explain, if for no other reason than to distract myself from the lingering heat of his touch.

“It’s Lily’s luxury pet spa. The business went viral after she posted a video of a certain pop star's pomsky getting a blueberry facial."

"The precious little expression he had!" Lily gushed as her whole face lit up the way it always did when she talked about animals. "Now we can barely keep up with bookings. Everyone wants the 'celebrity pet treatment' package."

"She's being modest," Marcus said, pulling out a deck of cards. "Pawsh Pets is revolutionizing the industry. The expansion potential is incredible. Imagine one in every major city."

"I don't know about that," Lily laughed, but I caught a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "Some businesses get so caught up in expansion that they lose sight of what’s important. I don’t want that for Pawsh Pets.”

"But think bigger, angel. With the right investors⁠—"

"Oh, look! Cards. Anyone want to play?" I cut in as I lifted a deck of cards the resort had sitting on the table. My sister was brilliant with animals and social media, but she wasn’t exactly ambitious. I could sense the awkward tension in the conversation and wanted to change the topic for her.

"Couples against couples," Lily declared. "Though maybe we should go easy on the injured party."

"I’ll keep her comfortable," James said, his hand settling warm on my shoulder.

The touch sent another shiver through me. Especially when I remembered we'd have to share a bed again tonight. After this morning's... incident. Which we were never, ever speaking of again.

"Your ears are turning pink," James whispered, his breath hot against my skin.

"Shut up and deal."

"What are you two whispering about?" Lily asked with way too much interest.

"Nothing," I said quickly.

"She's remembering this morning⁠—"

I elbowed him hard enough to make him grunt.

"What happened this morning?" Lily leaned forward eagerly.


"Had a very small, super uninteresting incident," I cut in. "Nothing anyone would ever care to know about."

James caught my hand under the blanket and squeezed. "Whatever you say, princess. But maybe tonight we should establish a safe word⁠—"

I stomped on his foot.

Lily bit back a laugh and shot Marcus a look, but he was distracted by something on his phone.

We played a few hands of various card games while Lily peppered us with questions about "our relationship" between rounds. I tried to focus on the cards and not how James kept absently running his thumb over my knuckles when he thought no one was watching. Or how good he smelled when he leaned close to check my cards. Or how his whole body tensed whenever I gave the slightest hint that I might be in a little bit of pain.

For a man who heartlessly crashed the wedding of my career and ruined two people’s happily-ever-after in Ireland, he was suspiciously good at being a caretaker.


