The Problem With Pretending Read Online Emma Hart

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 126850 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 634(@200wpm)___ 507(@250wpm)___ 423(@300wpm)

I rested my cheek against the sofa.

He wanted more than friendship, and I already knew I could never be his friend. But did I want more? He wasn’t a regular guy. He was going to inherit an old dukedom and a castle, for crying out loud.

Did I want that life for me? The same one that had broken my mother’s heart? That, indeed, caused issues in his own family?

That was the question.

The front door opened, swiftly followed by an, “It’s me!” from Amber. It closed quickly and she walked into the living room. “It smells—oh. What’s wrong with you?”

I looked over at her, meeting her gaze for a second, before I looked away again.

My best friend shrugged off her coat and tossed it over an armchair, kicked off her shoes, and joined me on the sofa. She picked up my phone, nodded, and put it on the coffee table. “My God. That man has broken you, hasn’t he?”

I held up one hand, pinching my finger and thumb together to say, “little bit.”

Amber sat next to me and placed her hand on my knee. “Grace.”

“I don’t know what to do,” I admitted out loud for the first time. “I just… I’m so confused.”

“Follow your heart.”

“That’s the most cliché thing you’ve ever said to me.”

“I know, but you know.” She shrugged and leant back on the sofa, rolling her head so her face was right by mine. “What else can you do? I came home expecting an evening of laughing and joking about how ridiculous your week has been, yet here you are, curled up on the sofa, looking like I’ve kicked your puppy.”

“It feels like someone has kicked my puppy,” I admitted.

She squeezed my knee. “He must be special to have you feeling like this.” She grabbed my phone from the table and flipped through the pictures. “Yep. I get it. I’d be feeling like this, too. Look at him. Damn, son.”

I tried not to laugh at her and reached for it, taking it from her. The picture she’d landed on was, like most others, from the wedding, where Freya had done a drive-by cake bombing of his face. William was laughing with her in the background almost crying with laughter, and his face was covered in buttercream frosting and sprinkles.

I smiled, remembering how he’d joked about me licking it off him, and I’d thrown a napkin at him.

“Okay. That’s enough,” Amber said, taking my phone. “Because you look like you’re about to cry, and you’re supposed to be happy to see me.”

“I’m always happy to see you,” I told her. “I just don’t think I can think about him anymore tonight.”

“Right, then allow me to regale you with tales of my dating life.”

“Is there anymore accidental anal in those tales?”

“Thankfully, no.”

I sighed. “Then I don’t see how they can possibly cheer me up.”

“What if I tell you the first one again?”



It’s Not Always What You Think

WILLIAM: Is it weird if I tell you I missed your snoring last night?

I frowned at my phone.

What a message to wake up to.

ME: Of all the things you could miss about me? A bit, yeah.

WILLIAM: Huh. I won’t bother then.

ME: Bit late for that.

WILLIAM: I suppose. I didn’t miss you kicking me, though.

ME: That’s because you’re a bed hogger. I have to kick you to make you get back on your own side.

WILLIAM: I think you’ll find that you’re the bed hogger. You think you’re kicking me off your side, but you’re just pushing me closer to the edge.

ME: Lies.

It probably wasn’t that much of a lie, to be honest. We woke up more than once with me in the middle of the bed and him perilously close to the edge.

That was his fault for hugging me while we slept.

That was my story, and I was sticking to it.

WILLIAM: How did you sleep?

ME: I slept. You?

WILLIAM: Terrible. I took a nap when I got back from the airport and it was a very bad decision.

ME: I bet you didn’t set an alarm.

WILLIAM: Nope. Three hours later…

ME: You’re an idiot.

WILLIAM: You’re not wrong. What are you doing today?

ME: Laundry, probably. I think I need a day of doing nothing, honestly, and Amber has a work meeting in an hour so I have some peace. You?

WILLIAM: Aside from trying to keep your grandmother and the bird out of trouble, not a lot. I kind of wished I’d gotten on a plane with you yesterday.

I kind of wished he had, too.

ME: My grandmother and the bird?

WILLIAM: They’re best friends. It’s a bit scary.

ME: Yet somehow, it makes perfect sense.

WILLIAM: She keeps threatening to smuggle Chewy to her house.

ME: If she does that, I will personally take the bird back to your grandmother.

WILLIAM: Don’t worry. I don’t think she’d get him on the plane. Can you imagine him there?


