The Naked Truth Read Online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99434 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 497(@200wpm)___ 398(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

After we had lunch, Gray suggested we get some ice cream, so we all walked over to a stand and then sat on the park bench.

Ella licked her cone and turned to speak to me. “Did you know my mom has cancer?”

I coughed my ice cream down the wrong pipe.

Gray made sure I was okay and then took over the conversation.

“Yes. We know about that.”

Ella licked her ice cream and pondered for a while. “She’s going to die.”

This time it was Gray who choked. I walked to the ice cream cart and grabbed us three bottles of water. Gray chugged half a bottle, and his voice still croaked when he spoke. “That happens sometimes when people are sick, sweetheart. Unfortunately.”

“Are you going to die?”

God, this is the most bizarre conversation. And I was glad as hell that Gray had jumped in to tackle it.

“Not for a very long time, I hope.” Gray pulled her ponytail. “I haven’t even gotten all of my colors for each day of the week down yet. So I hope I have a long time to go.”

She laughed and went back to her ice cream. To Ella, the conversation could have been about the weather. Yet Gray looked like he needed a drink, and I thought I needed more than one.


The sun had started to set as we pulled onto the side streets that led to Ella’s house. She’d fallen asleep in the car, and I’d rested my head on Gray’s shoulder and closed my own eyes. The entire day had been pretty surreal. As terrified as I’d been before coming today, watching Gray with his daughter—getting to spend time with the two of them—had actually alleviated some of my concerns.

In my mind, I could see the three of us together. While that still terrified me, I could visualize moving past it as time went on. That was all I needed—to get on a path that could get me there.

“You look tired.” Gray brushed hair from my face as we pulled to the curb in front of Max and Ella’s brownstone.

“What gave you that idea? The fact that my arms are limp by my sides, and I drooled on your shoulder on the way here?”

Gray side-glanced at Ella, who was still sound asleep. “Why don’t you stay in the car and relax while I carry her in.” He leaned closer so our lips were touching, and I could feel them move while he spoke. “You’re going to need your energy for when I get you home.”

Chapter 31

* * *


I took my time walking to the door.

Ella’s sweet little breaths blew on my cheek with each exhale as her head rested on my shoulder. A few weeks ago, I never would’ve thought this would be my life. If anyone had told me I’d be stalling before I rang the bell to return my daughter to her dying mother, I’d have told them they were fucking nuts.

And the nuts part wouldn’t have been that I had a daughter; it would have been that I could fall so hard and so fast for a child I hadn’t even known existed not too long ago.

But Ella was special. Smart, funny, with a zest for life that I’d forgotten existed, not to mention—I looked over at her sleeping face—adorable, even when she was drooling on my shirt. I was still terrified, and a part of me couldn’t yet fully comprehend the enormity of what would be happening sometime in the near future, but I wanted it. I wanted to take care of this little girl, protect her from all the evils in the world, and be a father who was there for her. They say children learn from watching their parents, not by what parents say in words. Well, the same holds true for children who didn’t have the best role models. I’d learned from my father what not to do.

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If I’d found out I was having a child three years ago, when my work was the most important thing in my life, I might’ve followed in dear old Dad’s footsteps, letting everyone else raise my kid and focusing on money and power. But the years of nothing to do but think had given me direction. Ella’s needs would come first…no matter what. So would Layla’s.

I rang the bell and waited to return my sleeping beauty. After a few minutes, I rang it a second time. Still no response, so I began to dig into my pocket for my phone when the door finally opened. Max looked like shit compared to this morning. And this morning she’d looked pretty damn awful.

“What’s going on? You okay?”

She had a blanket wrapped around her. “Yeah. I’m just cold. I fell asleep on the couch.”

I squinted. “It’s eighty-something degrees out. Do you have the air on too high?”


