The Emperor’s Concubine (The Thibian Chronicles #1) Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: The Thibian Chronicles Series by Eve Vaughn

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28150 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Theki rolled his eyes, and made an impatient click with his tongue. “At least the language chip, I’ve implanted is working. Like I said before, you will be silent and speak when you’re spoken to, or I’ll make sure you’ll work in the teriulium mines.”

Callie wanted to protest, but what she had to say was halted by the narrow-eyed glare Theki shot her way. If this was a nightmare, she wished to hurry up and wake up from it.

“Do I make myself clear, human?” the alien asked.

She could only nod, her mind racing a mile a minute.

Theki’s beady eyes narrowed to slits. “I don’t read minds. Do I make myself clear?”

“Y-y-yes,” she stammered.

“Yes, Master!” he roared, making her jump.

“Yes, Master,” Callie obediently repeated, though she was seething inside.

Callie’s only knowledge of slavery was what she’d read in history books and stories passed down from her ancestors who’d experienced it. Never in a million years did she think she’d ever become a slave. Being enslaved to aliens on another planet seemed to add another layer of shit on top of an already terrible situation.

The creature turned to his companion. “Rzxie, this one is feisty. Her mouth says one thing, but the eyes say another. Perhaps we should keep her for ourselves and break this spirit of hers.”

“Theki, stop trying to frighten the child.”

It surprised Callie to hear a feminine voice emit from her second captor’s throat. On closer inspection, the one called Rzxie was shorter. Her slender build was graced with gentle curves. Other than those small differences, she looked exactly like Theki. What were these things?

“You know as well as I that human women are highly sought after in Thorzak, especially the exotic ones. Look at her dark skin and eyes, and this hair.” Callie had to hold herself tightly so as not to flinch when Rzxie reached out and touched her locked hair. “It’s so soft. This one will fetch us a high price indeed.”

“I’ll have no more of her lip. I must see to the rest of the cargo. Tend to her wounds and see that she’s fed,” Theki instructed his partner before turning back to Callie. “I had better not hear of any more transgressions or you’ll regret it.” Then without another word, he swept out of the room, leaving her alone with Rzxie.

Callie didn’t realize she’d been holding her breath until she released a long sigh. Did she dare say something to Rzxie? She didn’t seem as stern as her counterpart but there was no telling with these creatures.

Thoughts of her daughter, however, gave Callie the courage to put voice to her fears. “Please, could you tell me what’s happened to my daughter?”

The alien’s lipless mouth curved into the semblance of a smile. “She’s sleeping now. I gave her a light sedative to calm her down. When your vehicle collided with that obstruction, you got a pretty nasty bump on your head. But because the little one was strapped tightly in the back, no harm came to her. She was crying when Theki and I came upon you. Don’t worry about her. She’s been fed and well taken care of.”

“How can you tell me not to worry when you won’t let me see her? You plan to sell me and expect me to be calm? And what the hell is that damn smell?” Callie could contain her curiosity no longer.

A vibrating noise erupted from the alien’s mouth, which Callie could only assume was laughter. “We’re Adieaen. I suppose our scent would be considered to most humans. Thirty-three percent of our make-up is sulfur.”

Rzxie claimed only a third of their bodies was made of sulfur, but Callie’s nose said one hundred percent.

Callie fought to keep bile from rising, but she found herself gagging.

“I anticipated this.” Rzxie handed her two small white balls. “Here, put these in your nose and the scent shouldn’t bother you so much.”

“This is going to work?” Callie asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

“Of course they work. I’m wearing them now. You humans smell awful, but don’t feel bad. It’s the preservatives in the foods you eat on your planet. Once you’ve been detoxed, the odor won’t be as unpleasant, and you’ll garner a high price on the auction block.”

She stunk? Callie didn’t know whether to take issue with that or laugh. She supposed to these Adieaens she was the strange one. Taking Rzxie’s offerings, she stuck them up her nose and, within seconds, the air became bearable to breathe. “That’s much better, thank you. I need to see my baby and make sure she’s all right.”

Rzxie shook her head. “You’re just going to have to take my word for it. She’s being well taken care of and, as Theki said, it will remain that way as long as you cooperate.”

“Where are you two taking us? Why are you doing this? I need to get back to Earth. I have another daughter waiting for me to get home. She’ll be worried. Please. Is there anything you can do? I’ll give you all the money I have if that’s what you two want.”


