The Emperor’s Concubine (The Thibian Chronicles #1) Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Angst, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi Tags Authors: Series: The Thibian Chronicles Series by Eve Vaughn

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28150 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Callie couldn’t wait to get home to see Paris, get in her pajamas and cuddle with her girls. When she was away from her kids, she always missed them. So, she decided to take a shortcut on a back road.

Halfway home, the rain let up. “That’s good at least,” she muttered to herself. It was getting dark and driving at night was bad enough without the slashing of water on her windshield.

“How are you doing back there, London?” she asked, looking into the rearview mirror again to check on her daughter.

“Good,” London answered between licks.

Callie glanced over her shoulder to make sure London wasn’t making a mess, and when she looked straight ahead again, she was surprised to see a blinding white light. It was so glaring in fact, she couldn’t see where she was going and ended up swerving off the road. Panic sliced through her as she lost control of the vehicle. The more she tried to right the wheel, the more out of control the car went.

In the backseat, London began to cry, obviously sensing her mommy’s plight.

“Hold onto your seat tight, baby,” she cried out trying to keep the panic out of her voice for the sack of her child, but it was no use.

They were going to crash.

London screamed. “I’m scared mommy!”

Tears streamed down Callie’s face. Was this the way things would end?

Despite her efforts, but her little sedan hydroplaned off the road and slammed into a pile of boulders. As her face made impact with the airbag, her last coherent thought was of her babies.

Callie woke up with a pounding headache and lights shining in her eyes. She winced as she turned her head away from the brightness. Where was she? Her last coherent thought had been that she was a goner, but somehow she was alive. Or was she?

Had she died and gone to heaven? For some reason she didn’t expect heaven to be quite like this. Heaven was supposed to be pain free. And what was that funky odor?

When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, they widened in surprise and fright. Standing over her were two creatures with orange skin, green tentacle like hair, and tusk-like teeth.

These…beings, reminded her of the aliens in the old sci-fi programs she used to watch with her dad. Their faces were covered in blue dots, and instead of noses they had snouts. What the hell? This had to be a dream.

No, a nightmare.

The problem was, a dream never smelled quite like this. It was the pungent cross between sweaty feet and ass. Suddenly, it dawned on her that London was nowhere in sight. Where was her baby?

Shooting to an upright position, Callie tried to slide off the metal table, but large scaly hands pushed her back down. One of the monsters made slurping, and snorting type noises. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to communicate or eat her.

“Where’s my daughter?” she screamed, panic starting to take over.

Again, the creatures grunted and made those strange noises. She nearly passed out when one of them put his forehead against hers, its green eyes starting to glow. Fright stilled her movements, but only for a moment. Struggling against the hands that held her tight, Callie’s maternal need to be with her daughter overrode any fear running through her. “London!” she yelled.

There was no response.

She prayed to God that her daughter had survived the crash. Just the very thought of losing her child filled her with dread. The orange men grumbled. When one of them pulled out what looked like a piercing gun and placed it against her arm, she attempted to pull away, but he was much stronger, holding her in place.

The creature pulled the trigger. Callie squealed, prepared to scream her lungs out in preparation of the pain she was certain would come. However, the sensation was along the lines of receiving a tetanus shot. What had they just done to her? Did they just infect her with some alien disease? Would the anal probing come next? She clenched her ass in self-preservation.

“Stop struggling, human, and you won’t be harmed.”

Hearing the raspy, guttural voice stunned her. What the hell? The creature still made those strange grunting noises, but this time she understood exactly what he said. Licking suddenly dry lips, Callie trembled. “What…what do you want from me? Where’s my daughter?”

“Any questions from here on out will be asked by either Rzxie,” the apparent leader said pointing to his companion, “or myself. I am Theki and you will address me as Master until you’re sold to a new Master. I expect obedience in all my slaves. As for the young one, she’s resting. She’ll remain unharmed as long as you’re cooperative.”

“What have you done to her? Slave? Are you kidding me? Wait a minute… I understand you. How…”


