The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“Good plan,” Seth gave him a noncommittal reply and an imitation smile. He wanted to do better, but it was still hard to look at Zach and not see his own loss.

“Grab a plate, everyone. It’s time to eat,” Liam called.

“Thank goodness.” Heavenly pressed a hand to her stomach. “The salad I had at lunch wore off, and I’m starving.”

“Then let’s get you fed.” Seth put a hand to the small of her back.

Before they could make it to the buffet line, Jericho approached with a friendly nod. “Hi, Heavenly.”

She turned and smile. “Hi, Jericho. Nice to see you again.”

“You, too. The food here all looks good, but I admit…I’ve thought once or twice about your French toast casserole. I don’t suppose you made any today?” He winked.

“I didn’t. Sorry.”

“Well, damn.” Jericho laughed and stuck out a hand in his direction. “Seth, right?”

“Yeah.” He shook the agent’s hand. “Good to see you. I know you were involved in that Big Bear mess, but you’re Dean Gorman’s friend?” And Seth had walked right past the guy without so much as a hello the day Zach arrived at Beck’s place.

“Yep. Dean and I go way back.”

“Yeah? You from around here?” Seth made small talk, wondering why the agent had approached them.

“Born and bred. For the last few years, I’ve been working mostly in San Bernardino County, but starting next week I’ll be working the west side of LA—my old stomping grounds. I’m glad to be moving back.” He smiled. “But you don’t sound like you’re from around here.”

Seth shrugged. “You can take the guy out of New York, but…”

“You can’t take New York out of the guy. Got it.” The agent nodded and scanned the party, then he dropped his voice. “Dr. Beckman around?”

“Surgery.” Seth frowned. “There a problem?”

Jericho shook his head. “No. I was just going to give him some information.”

That sounded ominous. Seth knew damn well that Beck was worried about the elders’ sons hunting Zach down for revenge. Heavenly looked concerned, too. The last thing he wanted was for her to be distressed.

“Angel, why don’t you get yourself a plate? I’ll be there as soon as I talk to Jericho.”

Heavenly obviously didn’t like it, but she nodded. “All right. Do you want me to get you a plate, too?”

“I’ll get it. You pick a spot to sit and I’ll join you.”

“If you don’t mind, would you save me a seat, too?” Jericho asked.

“Sure,” Heavenly confirmed, then dashed to the food table.

Seth looked around for privacy, then nodded toward the pool house. The agent followed.

Once they were out of sight and earshot from the others, he turned to Jericho with concern. “You know Beck and I are”—shit, how did he explain their relationship?—“friends with a common interest.”

The agent raised a dark brow. “In Heavenly? Dean told me. You guys are lucky. She seems like a keeper.”

“She is, but…” He winced. “My twin brothers are here tonight. They’re the two jackasses with Zach. They don’t know about the three of us.”

“No worries. Raine already told me to keep quiet.” Jericho shrugged. “Your brothers might be jackasses to you, but they’ve definitely helped Zach. Whoever thought of putting those three together was a fucking genius.”

Guilt for not stepping up and helping Beck’s brother acclimate warred with the pride of his own brothers providing the real-life experiences Zach needed. “It just kind of happened, but I think it’s turned out for the best. Anyway, if you need me to pass some information to Beck, I’ll be happy to.”

“Sure. I was going to call, but I thought I’d see him tonight…”

“Is anything wrong?” Seth frowned.

“No. Actually, it’s good news. The elders’ sons who flapped their jaws and vowed revenge? Turns out they were all full of hot air. Most of them, when faced with the prospect of figuring out how to make their own money to live in the real world, couldn’t hack it. Instead, they decided to join a sect in Idaho. The two who didn’t? These class A idiots picked up a couple of hookers in Vegas. After the sex, they beat them up and took their money. Their pimp didn’t take kindly to having the merchandise damaged. They’re both in the county hospital and probably heading to jail as soon as they’re medically cleared to stand trial. But reports are that they’re both eating through straws and one is in traction, so it’ll be a while, if ever, before they bother with Zach.”

“That’s great news. It should set Beck at ease.”

“Exactly. It’s better than I expected,” Jericho admitted. “Now how about we get some food? My stomach is eating itself.”


As they stepped out of the pool house, Hammer met them with a smile. “Sorry I haven’t had time to welcome you guys. Glad you both could make it.”

“Thanks for the invite.” Jericho extended his hand.


