The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Seth knew he needed to do the same—once and for all—somehow.

“Look at Zach,” Heavenly whispered.

“I know.”

“He seems…happy. Oh, my gosh. That’s fantastic.”

Heavenly was still grinning when they headed closer to mingle with the group. On the way, Seth spotted longtime Shadows members Vivian and Donald heading for the coolers. They waved to Pike, who stood alone, beer in one hand, the other in his pocket.

As if sensing his scrutiny, the pierced, tattooed DM flashed him a cocky smirk, then sent Heavenly a head bob. Was he fucking leering at her again? Seth’s blood boiled. His temper, irritatingly close to the surface these past few weeks, started slipping off its chain.

“Some assholes never learn,” he growled, releasing Heavenly’s elbow. “I’ll be right back, angel.”

“Seth…” Heavenly protested.

He went on as if he hadn’t heard her.

As Donald and Vivian passed him, he murmured an absent greeting, complete with pasted-on smile. But the second they were out of earshot, Seth ate up the distance between him and Pike, his jaw clenched. “If you look at Heavenly again, I’ll rip your eyes out of your skull. Got it, motherfucker?”

Pike arched a pierced black brow. “Easy man, I was only saying hi.”

“Bullshit. Every time you see her, you mentally undress her.”

“Dude, I wasn’t. Back down.”

That only notched up Seth’s temper again. “Fuck that.”

“Look, I’ve got a girl…a nice one. A pretty one. I’m not trying to steal yours. I never was. I just enjoy pissing you off.”

“If that’s true, where is your ‘nice, pretty’ girl?”

Pike lifted his chin defensively. “Not that it’s any of your fucking business, but she’s out of town. Otherwise, she’d be here with me.”

That jibed with what Heavenly had told him, but if Pike wanted to needle him, Seth was ready to give it back. “Would she? Or would she be with River?”

For the millionth time since learning that Raine’s brother and Pike were vying for the same woman, Seth tried to imagine who would be attracted to a snarky, antisocial asshole and a cocky manwhore. It was like trying to align repelling magnets. Impossible.

Pike lunged in his face. “She’s mine. Your junior PI needs to back off.”

“Not my problem. Don’t look at Heavenly again. Or I’ll kill you.”

“Are you really worried about me looking at her…or about you being able to hold on to her?” The DM’s drawl dripped contempt.

That tone crawled up Seth’s back. “Fuck you.”

Fists clenched, he walked away, dragging in a deep breath and trying to force the rage from his system. If he didn’t, he’d plow his fist into Pike’s face and put a damper on Raine’s party…not for the first time.

Suddenly, Heavenly was beside him, stroking her soft fingers down his arm. “What did you two argue about?”

“Nothing, angel,” he lied. “Let’s get something to drink.”

“Okay,” she replied, darting a wary glance at Pike.

After grabbing a couple bottles of water, Seth took her hand again and looked for a place to sit. Hammer was busy directing the caterers as they placed huge platters of brisket, ribs, and baked beans into chafing dishes over flaming cans of Sterno. Another group nestled huge bowls of coleslaw, pasta salad, and fruit into a wide ice trough atop the long, red-linen-covered tables.

Seth forced a smile, trying to get into the party spirit, as he sidled up beside Liam, still standing with Zach and the twins, and clapped him on the back. “Are my bozo brothers giving you trouble?”

“They’re breathing, aren’t they?” Liam shot Jack and Connor a crooked grin, then winked at Heavenly. “Glad you two could make it.”

“Is my brother coming?” Zach asked. “He hasn’t answered my text.”

Heavenly tensed. She wasn’t comfortable with their ruse. Clearly, Beck’s brother wasn’t, either. Even though Seth had done it to protect his mom, he hated it, too.

Swallowing his guilt, he answered carefully. “He’s hoping to. I talked to him a little bit ago. There was an emergency at the hospital, and since he was on call, he had to go in.”

Shit. Would the twins wonder why he knew where to find Beck before his own brother?

“Oh.” Zach sounded disappointed.

“Don’t worry.” Jack bumped his shoulder. “We got you, man.”

“Yeah,” Connor seconded.

Seth let out a sigh of relief that his brothers seemingly hadn’t questioned anything.

Heavenly flashed Zach a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes and changed the subject, bless her. “So, you like beer now?”

He nodded sheepishly. “It’s actually pretty good.”

“He likes vodka-Sevens, too. Don’t you?” Jack laughed, elbowing Zach in the ribs.

“Not to mention Jack and water,” Connor added with a grin. “Tequila shots. Scotch…”

Heavenly laughed. “Wow, you’re definitely expanding your horizons. Good for you, I guess.”

“Turns out, Satan’s brew isn’t bad after all,” Zach admitted. “I just don’t like hangovers.”

Seth scowled at the twins. “You boneheads didn’t teach him moderation?”

“It’s okay. I needed to learn for myself, and I did—the hard way.” Zach grimaced. “Three of anything is my limit.”


