The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

A woman with long dark blond hair, dressed in a cream turtleneck dress and cream heels, stood in the middle of the aisle, holding a microphone. She slowly walked to the front. The male band began to play their version of ‘The Tree,’ by Maren Morris. The lady started to croon, her voice powerful and rich. Roman’s heart caved in. Crushed by the brutal kiss of love. He hadn’t heard this song in a while—it always tore him up. He’d never told a soul how it made him feel, and yet, Genesis had picked it. She’d told him the song she’d walk down the aisle to would be a surprise…

A tear streamed down his face as the doors opened, revealing a wave of soft beauty that collided into him like a million crashing oceans, declaring him worthy of the vision of love. Genesis looked like some angel that had materialized from the sky, floating down from heaven, right into his life. Her father stood by her side, a man he had great respect and reverence for. It was like the entire world froze and no one, once they laid eyes on her, could seem to turn away.

Roman clasped his hands and smiled at his shoes, shaking his head as reality set in. When he looked back up, she was only twenty feet away.

“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

“I do,” her father stated as he dabbed his eyes, then took his seat. Genesis handed her bouquet to Rosie, then stood before him, a big, gorgeous smile on her face. Damn, she’s so beautiful! And her teeth are bright… even more so than usual. Seemingly reading his mind, she broke the silence.

“I got my teeth whitened yesterday,” she whispered.

Roman smiled at her, reached for her chin and stroked it. He almost leaned in and kissed her but caught himself.

“We have a special message from the father of the groom,” the officiant announced before stepping out of the way. Jordan, Roman’s brother, came forth, clearing his throat.

“Um, Roman, my and uh, Dakota’s daddy couldn’t be here today for his weddin’ to this great woman, our new sister-in-law, but he wanted to share a message for Roman and Genesis any ol’ how. A special, surprise weddin’ gift, if you will.” Jordan pulled up something on his phone, pushed play and held it up to the microphone.

“Rome-man and Gen… Genesis. Con…grat…tu..lations. I’m sorry… that I’m not there.” Roman broke down crying. Daddy was talking! It was a little choppy, but he understood every word that rolled off his tongue. Genesis reached for him, rubbing his shoulder, but he didn’t dare look at her. “I’ve… been trying… hard. So… I can… do.. this. I can’t… wait… to meet you… Gen…esis. Ro…man has…told… me… all…about you. Roman… is a… little… like me… so… you’ll… need… lots of… prayer.” The place erupted in laughter. Roman looked out at their guests and saw his mother laughing and nodding in agreement. “I… wish… both of you… a… beaut…ti…ful wedding. God… bless… you and… your union… forever. I’ll… be home… one day…to… meet… my new… daught-ter. Keep… hope… and the light… on… for me.”

Jordan was a blubbering fool. Roman grabbed his brother and hugged him hard. Dakota joined them while the officiant whispered, asking for everyone to give the brothers a moment. Things settled down, and they continued.

“Dearly Beloved and Honored Guests, we are gathered together here to join Roman Joshua Wilde and Genesis Katrina Caldwell in this union of marriage. Please remember that love, devotion, and tolerance are the foundations of a joyful and lasting marriage. Do you, Roman, take this woman, Genesis, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and bad times, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do.”

The same was asked of Genesis, and with tears in her eyes, she answered, “Yes, I do.”

“At this time, the bride wishes to share a few words with her groom. Genesis, you have our attention.”

With a slightly trembling hand, she lightly drew her fingertips across her neck as she looked into his eyes.

“Roman, thank you for trusting me with your heart. Thank you for allowing me to unlock doors and step inside, to meet you. The real you. From day one, you proved that you were a man of your word. I’m grateful to your best friend, and my brother, for bringing you into my life. It’s funny how God works. You were around for years, but I’d never looked into your eyes. That whole time, you were destined to be my husband. Now, here we are. I love you.” She blinked back tears, then blew him a kiss.

“Roman, you can speak to Genesis now.”

He took a deep breath, tried to keep it together. Keep his cool. “Genesis, I think I’ve loved you in a past life. I think maybe we were two trees, standin’ side by side. I think our branches touched, and we went through all four seasons countless times. Our roots probably intertwined, makin’ us grounded. Making us one. One day, lightning struck, and I was injured, but you stuck beside me.”


