The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

He picked up his journal and flipped through it. All of the pages appeared to be there. He placed it aside and picked up the blank envelope. He tore it open as well and removed a hand-written letter.

To my grandson, Roman Wilde,

I wish to congratulate you on your pending nuptials. I have a strong dislike for you, but respect your choice to not join my corporation. I’d like to believe that Wilde blood caused you to behave in the manner that you did, even though said behavior was used against me. My desire for you to join my organization did not pan out as I wished. Same as with Lennox, your refrigerator-built cousin who, from my understanding, has a baby on the way. Hopefully the poor child won’t be cursed by being shaped like a kitchen appliance, too.

Roman, from the day you were born, I saw greatness in you. I was terribly disappointed to discover that you didn’t wish to share your gifts with me, after all I had done for you, your brothers, and your parents over the years. I helped stop eviction notices while your mother was laid off from the grocery store probably due to eating all of the snacks—leaving the entire aisle vacant. Your father was smoking the little funds that they did possess, away inside his nostril, or up his arm. I ensured that your mother had a car to plop her hot air balloon fashioned ass in, to drive her Three Stooges children to school. It was I who often saved the day.

All I wanted in return was for you to use your charm, charisma, financial prowess and acumen to assist me. You would have made a ton of money, grandson—far more than you make now I am certain, though based on the information in your journal and from observation, you are well-off, regardless. Per your contract, it states that I will offer money as a present of sorts, especially if you are engaged, or married. Due to the fact that you don’t need a dime from me, that’s not an option for this wedding gift, nor something you’d necessarily need. I do know, however, that your Marine reputation is important to you.

You were unfairly released from armed services, due to a violent brawl with another Marine, but worst of all, a lie was told about you and unfortunately, you were in fact guilty of prior actions that resembled those accusations, so you went about your way without much of a fight.

For your sake, I made some calls and had some letters written. I met with an individual who will remain anonymous. As a veteran, you had the right to challenge the dishonorable discharge with the Discharge Review Board. On your behalf, I tendered an appeal to substantiate that their pardon was discriminatory due to the bias of the person who brought the accusations against you, and the fact that your accuser was now deceased, after having suffered alleged mental health challenges.

I believe you in fact tracked him down years later and killed him, due to your vengeful nature, but I digress. In any case, I was able to expedite this generally long process, and it was decided on your behalf that you now have an honorable discharge. Your paperwork and certificate will be arriving in the mail soon.

Roman stared at the paper in his hands, completely tongue-tied. For starters, he never wrote in his journal what happened to his accuser. It was all for the best, because an accuser can’t defend themselves if they’re no longer drawing breath. All was well that ended well. Secondly, he realized that Grandpa must’ve read his journal from cover to cover… that was indeed how he got the idea, no doubt, as Roman expressed his regret regarding his Dishonorable Discharge, and anger of the situation several times on those worn pages.

I hope that you are in good health, and that you and your bride have a beautiful life together. Actually, I don’t, but it is the proper thing to say in cases like this. Perhaps one day I will actually mean it.

May God have mercy on your ornery soul,

Cyrus Jedediah Wilde

Roman was so lost in thought, he didn’t even realize that Tony was racing towards the limo until he was at his window, banging on the door.

“Come the hell on! I’ve been callin’ you, man. You’re late! If you stand my sister up, I am going to kick your ass in front of all of these people!”

Roman laughed, swung the door open and stepped out, offering his apologies. He caught his reflection in the window while his brother-in-law and best friend continued to berate him… Jet black hair styled in a sleek 1960’s Pompadour, eyebrows slightly plucked, trimmed stubble along his chin and above his lip. He swept his tongue over his lower lip, admiring his attire—a velvet wine tuxedo featuring a satin collar and buttons, tailored to perfection. Beneath it, he had on a black button down shirt, paired with a velvet wine tie with black damask print. He slowly slid his hand along his hair, pushing any wayward hairs into place, then caught sight of his two silver rings that sparkled beneath the kiss of the sun.


