The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

She slipped back into bed, getting under the sheets to ward off the slight chill in the air. Much to her surprise, he was erect again! And yet, he was asleep. Was he dreaming of a porn star? Hopefully he was dreaming of her… Curious, she flung the sheets back, exposing his standing ovation. Wanting to get a closer look.

Heavy. Long. Juicy. Her pussy and mouth craved him all over again. She practically drooled at the sight of him. Disappearing beneath the covers, she made her way down his form. She felt around until she got between his legs, then wrapped her hands around his warm shaft. She moaned in delight when the first taste of him filled her mouth. A deep groan escaped his lips as she held on, sucking him slow and easy and lavishing him with seductive attention. He awakened, whispering her name.

“…Genesis… Mmmm…”

Small, gentle thrusts into her mouth… His hips pushed forward. She held on, sucking him harder.

And then Roman began speaking in a high pitched voice that sounded just like Mickey Mouse.

Oh no… He’s not doing this right now!

“Genesis! Gosh! You sure know how to serve the best home-made sloppy toppy! Oh, boy! Hot dog!” The Mickey Mouse voice was in full effect.

She burst out laughing, holding onto him with one hand and cracking up so much she couldn’t continue the blowjob.

“Roman, stop it! You’ve ruined it!” She cackled, and he started to laugh, too.

“I’m sorrrry. Please dooon’t stop slobbin’ my knob. I like it! Ah-hyuck!”

Now she was in stitches. His Goofy impression was just as stellar.

She rested on his thigh as he went through impression after impression, causing her stomach to hurt from laughing so much. Kermit the Frog, President Obama, John F. Kennedy, Darth Vadar and more. He uttered raunchy, hilarious things, sounding just like the characters he was imitating, and she had no choice but to completely give up the mission. She crawled back up the bed and flung the sheets over her naked body.

“Goodnight, you lunatic.” She sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes before turning off the nightstand lamp. “Maybe a morning BJ instead. I’m going to sleep. You’re so silly.” She laughed, then yawned.

He took her hand and kissed it. “I just love makin’ you laugh. Seeing that pretty smile of yours. Even if I lose the opportunity to bust a nut. You’re worth it.”

He wrapped his arms around her, leaned in and kissed her. Then they fell asleep, draped around each other. A human braid. Flesh. Blood. Love. One accord.

Forever Soulmates. Two sides of the same tree…

Roman gave Genesis a kiss goodbye that fine Sunday morning. The sun hadn’t come up yet, but he explained that he needed to be on his way. Had something important to tend to. When he kissed her, he was present. Completely in the moment.

He took her face in his hands and kissed her again, looking hard into those big brown eyes of hers. “Baby, I love you. I love you more than all the love songs ever written. More than all the money in the world. You’re my precious angel.”

He memorized how her skin smelled: sweet vanilla and baby powder. Her hair—like fresh strawberries from her shampoo and conditioner. He etched in his mind how her lips felt against his. Plush and pillowy. Her breasts were soft and ample. Every curve of her body he knew from a mere glance or a light touch. Her hug was consoling and warm. They’d made love that morning—a quickie right before showering together. She insisted that he at least have a cup of coffee before running off. He obliged and fought the urge to vomit the truth. It wouldn’t serve her… he had to leave.

He walked to his car, her borrowed tumbler full of hot coffee in hand, and got inside. He sat there for a moment, gathering his thoughts, looking at her apartment every so often, as if using it in some fashion to encourage him—cheer him on.

At last, he reluctantly drove away. Time was ticking. He drove and drove, her smell on him and his mind a maze. He turned on a bit of music. ‘Black Dog’ by Led Zeppelin blared through the speakers. He popped his hand against the steering wheel, rocking out. The perfect distraction.

He drove a long way, until he reached the tree made of death and lightning. Creatures of habit find what works and stick to it. Grandpa was becoming more and more unpredictable, but on Sundays, he always went to church. He kept his phone off, and gave big church offerings. These three things were true.

Roman made a final assessment, sat on an adjacent large, jagged rock, and set his duffle bag beside him. He rummaged through it, shoving a few guns aside until he saw the burner phone. He picked it up, cleared his voice, and dialed…


