The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

He’d been provided with her social media footprint. She had a ton of friends and associates; seemed to enjoy life, too. The thing was though, the woman had a strange knack of writing long-winded posts and providing useless facts that led to even longer conversations about said information. She used big words, and people were actually interested in her drivels. Two hundred Likes here, fifty comments there. From that standpoint, he couldn’t see what Roman saw in her, but then, it dawned on him…

Roman’s mother, Bonnie, was like that, too.

Grandpa smiled as he took a seat next to large, flat stones being used to create a new pond. It was a chilly day in Houston, yet sunny and not a cloud in the sky. He decided to give Roman a call. Perhaps this time, the son of a bitch would pick up and respond.

Roman answered on the second ring, sounding a bit out of breath. Perhaps he was fucking? Fucking to the sounds of ‘Rocky Mountain Way,’ by John Walsh? That’s what he heard booming in the background until it faded into a whisper.

“It’s the crusty, decrepit worm from SpongeBob’s Bikini Bottom. What do you want?”

“Worm? Looks like I caught me a fish… I have somethin’ to say.”

“Well, at least that makes one of you. Someone, due to you, can’t talk.”

“…And I wish that someone was you. Be quiet. Firstly, I’m sick and tired of your shit, little boy. I’ve been more than patient. And let it be known, you are the one that forced my hand in reference to your father. Blame yourself for that. I love my son… but there’s consequences. No one is above Wilde law.”

“Ohhh, this oughta be good! And just how did I manage that, huh? How did I force you to have your own damn child attacked behind bars?” He heard tinkering and water—a bit distracting.

“Your father threatened me before his unfortunate fight in prison. Told me in no uncertain terms that if I didn’t leave you alone, he’d have me fixed.”

“And you would have done the same if you were in his shoes, you damn hypocrite.”

“Oh no, boy. Let’s jog your memory. You assaulted me in that restaurant. It was only fair that you be punished, and he as well.”

“You popped up in a place you weren’t invited, interrupted my business dinner, and tried to blackmail me. You got what the hell you came there for. I should’ve choked you the fuck out and not gave a damn.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.” He shrugged. “We can call it even and start afresh.”

“We can’t ever get back to square one, we can’t ever be even Steven, we can’t ever be right as rain again. That bridge is burnt down to the motherfuckin’ ground. That’s your son, you piece of shit! He still can’t talk, and he may never again do so on account of you. You aren’t a real father. No wonder my dad is all fucked up in the head and resorted to drugs. Look who raised him?”

“Your father had all the finer things in life, was offered an education and all that comes with being a Wilde. He squandered it, ran behind his mama’s coat until she died. He was a spoiled brat who couldn’t take the pressure of hard work. Proverbs 10:31 states, ‘The mouth of the righteous brings forth wisdom, but the perverse tongue will be cut off.’ He threatened me with that same tongue. And now, those vocal cords are paying the price. I cautioned your father over the years. He didn’t heed the warning, and now, the consequences have come home to roost. Your time is running out.

“I will let you know where we will meet for you to sign your contract and do what was requested of you. It may be here at the compound, or elsewhere. You will know soon. If you do not do as stated, Roman, per our agreement, your journal will be turned over to your supervisor, and I will ensure that the casino also knows about your little evening of fun, so they can possibly file a civil suit.”

“I don’t know anything about a journal.”

“That little game of yours can only take you so far. We both know you’re bluffing, and you’ll lose. Oh, and though I found it interesting how you’ve killed quite a few people who’ve gotten in your way over the years, I find no reason to try and pursue that.”

“I don’t know about any killings, but how thoughtful of you.”

“Oh, let’s not play coy. There was someone in the Marines who disappeared… There was that guy that your brother, Jordan, owed money to, who threatened to kill him. He suddenly disappeared, too. Then there was the father of that little girl where you used to live, whose folks said he was molesting her. It went to court, he admitted it, and got a slap on the hand. Tsk. Tsk. He vanished, too. You lived right next door. Now, you didn’t say it was you, but you mentioned these incidents, and funny how you were always a stone’s throw away. It seems the majority of the homicides were rightfully earned, Marine. You did some of your famous magic tricks, and made these folks disappear.” He chuckled. “I knew you weren’t afraid to exact a bit of revenge. You are a Wilde, after all. Nevertheless, if this information regarding the theft of a lifetime gets to the wrong people, it’ll ruin your life, Roman.”


