Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)
“Loyalty to companies nowadays is seldom rewarded, but I’m old school. Generation X. We ate rusty nails, swallowed them, then asked for more.” A delicate kindness gleamed in his eyes. “Nobody coddled us like the new guys being hired now. There was no tiptoeing around the truth.” Eric shrugged. “You’re not from my generation, but you act like it. You’re tough. You fool people because of your appearance, but the man you are is a real hard-nosed, ruthless, hard-workin’ son of a bitch. And I enjoy that about you. The truth is, Roman, we all have a past.” He threw up his hands.
“Unfortunately, yours almost crosses the line in our world, but the case can be made that it’s still like comparing apples to oranges. My father was a highly respected criminal attorney, so you’ll have to excuse me as I dissect this monumental information, using a bit of his brain, God rest his soul, and mine too, to figure this out.”
Eric grunted as he opened a desk drawer and pulled out a flask. He screwed off the cap and tilted it to his mouth, swallowing hard. “This is unbecoming, and I’m not a morning drinker, but you made me one today.” Roman nodded, offering a wilted smile. “If I am to be completely honest and tell the truth, I, uh… I can’t afford to lose you. Not a talent like yours. I also don’t take blackmail and extortion attempts lightly. This can’t and won’t be tolerated.”
Roman blinked back astonished tears, while his heart sang with delight.
“Eric, I assure you, I swear, I’m not the same person who walked into that casino all of those years ago and did this. That’s why I came to you today. I’d rather face the consequences and get fired than allow anyone here, or affiliated with me, you or the company to go down with the battleship. I did this on my own, so I was prepared to face the music on my own, too. It was only fair.”
“Roman, I don’t believe you’re the same person that committed the acts you speak of, and according to you, legally, there is no leg for the casino to stand on, but that will need to be confirmed ASAP. Regardless, we need to figure this out, because it doesn’t end with you. This could snowball if word got out that we hired someone who stole millions from a casino, found out about it, and still allowed him to remain in his position within the company.”
“Yes, I know… About that, I’m not in a position to ask for any favors, barter, or request a damn thing from you, but I have an idea, Eric. One that would get me off the hook regarding this information ever coming out, protect this company from future threats of this nature from the same petitioner, and also protect me from further trouble from my grandfather regarding an egregious contract that he believes is virtuously binding. Would you like to hear my plan?”
Eric gave him a quizzical look.
The next twenty minutes were spent with Roman going into great detail about what he believed needed to happen, and how they both could go on with their professional lives if certain steps were taken. Bigger, badder, and better. Business as usual.
“Get your attorney on the line immediately. Put him or her on speaker.”
Roman snatched his phone out of his suit jacket and dialed.
“Good morning. Thank you for callin’ Lyles Attorney at law. This is Jenny. How can I help you?”
“Hey, good mornin’, Jenny. This is Roman Wilde. Is August there? I have an emergency and need to talk to him now, if possible.”
“I will be arranging a meeting with Harris & Harris today, too. Expect to be in attendance. You are to not say ONE WORD regarding this discussion that we’ve had this morning to anyone. Do you understand me, Roman?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Good. You’ve got a strategy. I’ve got the resources. Let’s get to work…”
Glory Out of the Clear Blue
Mama had a new wreath hanging from her front door. It appeared that she’d put all of her Christmas decorations away and got a head start on Valentine’s Day. Roman sat in his car looking at the pink, yellow and red garland covered in white feathers, white doves, and two chubby-assed Cupids with light blue bows and arrows. AC/DC’s, ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ blasted from the speakers. He glanced at the email from his father on his phone, then turned off his device and placed it inside his pocket. Genesis followed suit, slipping her phone into her green leather purse before checking her makeup in the mirror and fluffing her hair.
He leaned in and kissed her, the urge to stay longer in that car with her on his mind. Reluctantly ending the kiss, he turned the music off, killed the engine, and got out of the car. He then helped Genesis out of the passenger’s seat, locked the vehicle, and headed to the front door with her, hand in hand. He shot her a glance as they made their way to the house. Smiling, Genesis leaned in and kissed his cheek before he rang the bell.