The Black Sheep – Part 2 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #4) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 81488 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 407(@200wpm)___ 326(@250wpm)___ 272(@300wpm)

A cynical but also a tad hopeful glint appeared in her eyes.

Method Man and Redman’s, ‘Da Rockwilder’ blasted through the speakers. Old heads began to sway and rap the lyrics.

“Food is reeeaaaady! Get in line!” someone yelled. Genesis came bustling through the crowd, oven mitts on her hands.

“No! Get! Let the elders in line now, Grandmama and Aunt Ruth are first, and so on and so forth, then the small children with their parents, then everyone else between the ages of thirteen and sixty!”

She was met with moans and groans but stood her ground. It was a beautiful, star-filled night. The kind that etched onto a memory bank, and didn’t let go. He was grateful for the calm before the storm. Soon, he was standing in line with Genesis in front of him, and Rosie behind him. Their mutual energy screamed strength. Femininity. Beauty. He heard a whisper in his left ear as they inched along, their paper plates in hand for ribs, grilled burgers with sautéed onions, barbecue chicken, and all the fixin’s.

“If you had a single brother, I’d probably want you to introduce us,” said a cool voice. “But I’m not ready to date. I’d just ruin him.”

He smiled at that. He glanced over his shoulder at Rosie. “My brothers are basket cases, and I ain’t far better, but I do have some cousins that are eligible bachelors. When you’re ready, you let me know, and I’ll see about arrangin’ a double date.”

“All right now. Don’t start no trouble.” They were both laughing now. He felt her draw near again. “Oh, and don’t think you’re slick, Roman. I know all about the Wildes in this town. Genesis ain’t know right away, but I found out, and now she does, too. She didn’t seem too concerned about how waaaay back y’all go, and how long that money is, either. All of this allure of yours is part natural, and part well-rehearsed. You’ve been snake charmin’ folks for years.”

“Have I now?” He smirked.

“Yes, indeed you have. I can’t put my finger on it, but you’re a little sneaky is all I can say. You played your part, but y’all Wildes can be feral as fuck.”

“Well, they call me the black sheep of the family. Allegedly, it left a smudge on the family name. Take that with a grain of salt, because I ain’t never seen big news stories of sheep attacks, little Rosie, and I ain’t never seen a feral sheep before, neither.” He snorted.

“Well, there’s a first for everything. In the bible, there’s a part where our Lord Jesus Christ says he’s going to separate believers from unbelievers when He returns to institute His millennial kingdom. He will place the believing sheep on His right, the domicile of approval and blessing. But the unbelieving goats will be put on the left, the place of disapprobation and dismissal.”

“That sounds like a story in my favor, don’t you think?”

“Not really. You’re just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Ain’t no lavish business suit, perfectly combed hair, sparklin’ white teeth, or big-time job you got gonna change that. I still like you though, Roman, so I ain’t gonna judge you off your family name alone. I’m giving you a fighting chance.”

He grinned at that, inching closer in line. The food smelled so damn good. His stomach growled. He paused, faced her, and bent down to whisper in her ear now, too, careful to not be overheard.

“Normally, young lady, I’d take this kind of thing as intimidation. Fightin’ words. I don’t like being threatened, but I know you’re just setting up boundaries and concerned that I may believe I’ve hoodwinked or bamboozled you.”

“Sho’ you right.”

“Well, let me let you in on a little bit of information, too. You didn’t school her on shit.” They glared deep into each other’s eyes. “She knows all about me, includin’ my past, my family name, and more, and she still fell in love with me, this black sheep that I am, and invited me to this here family shindig. Now here you come… you spent half the time at this party mean-muggin’ me, and the other half laughin’ with me.”

“Can you blame me? I wanted to dislike you, but you proved that virtually impossible.”

“Yes, I can see that you’re obviously conflicted. I prefer the laughin’ part of you, but don’t give a shit either way because I’m still going to be your best friend’s man, and ain’t a damn thing you can do about it. Now, I think I like you too, veiled threats ’nd all, but my liking your personality is irrelevant. At the end of the day, it’s Genesis’ choice. That goes for both of us being in her life. What about you? Ceasefire and party, or square off and rumble?”

“I like to count sheep, but I like to party even more, you son of a bitch.”


