Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
“Mmmm, baby,” he groaned. “I can’t stop fucking you…”
It wasn’t long before he had another erection and was ready to make love once more.
She clawed at the headboard as he had another go at her, cumming once again, filling her pussy with his manly cream. He lay alongside her, completely and utterly exhausted. It was late now, and she was back in the restroom cleaning up the mess he’d made. Genesis was extremely good in bed. She was sexually open and expressive. She enjoyed providing pleasure, such as sucking him off with enthusiasm, and allowed him to do pretty much whatever he wished. She also enjoyed reciprocal dirty talk and made him feel like a damn king. She was the epitome of a freak in the sheets, and a lady in the streets. She also was into cleaning up afterwards. Meticulous about such things. He’d cum in her so much that day, he figured she’d be tending to herself for hours. He chuckled lightly at the thought of it…
She returned within a few minutes, looking as beautiful as ever. They drank their coffees, even though the drinks had sat there far too long, now cold. He didn’t care, for he had all he wanted and needed was right next to him. He half watched the news as she fell asleep against his chest. He felt himself drifting asleep, too. It couldn’t have been much later when his cellphone suddenly rang, startling him from his slumber. He was available twenty-four-seven for work, but he rarely got a call this late at night, even for business. Once he leaned forward and grabbed his phone, he saw who it was, and his stomach dropped.
“Mama, it’s eleven at night. What’s wrong?” He slowly sat up, careful to not wake Genesis.
Mama was tearful, choked up. He could barely understand what she was saying.
“Mama, calm down. Tell me what’s going on?”
“Honey, I hate to call you this late at night, but… I had to! I got… I got a call from the prison where your father is, ’bout ten minutes ago.” Genesis grunted and sighed in her sleep. “Reeves… he was attacked.”
“Attacked? By who?!”
“Another inmate choked him, and when he fought back and got the better of him, the guy sliced his throat!”
“Oh, God, no! Is he still breathin’?! Mama, please don’t tell me my daddy is dead!”
“He ain’t dead, but accordin’ to the folks, since he had me listed as an emergency contact still, he ain’t far from it.”
“SHIT! FUCK! Where is he right now?!” Roman scrambled out of the bed, his mind a jumble. He held the phone tight to his ear as he yanked open various drawers to find some clothes.
“At the hospital. He’s in surgery. I feared this! I had one of my dreams. I have—”
“Mama, text me the name of the hospital. It’ll take too long to drive there like I usually do. I’m on my way down there as soon as I can book a flight. I’ll call you back when I know more.”
He abruptly ended the call and heard Genesis calling out to him, but it was like he’d landed in a wind tunnel. Everything around him looked bleak. His body, previously super relaxed and sexually satisfied, was now tense as he fought the urge to vomit. Waves of adrenaline soared within him, and a headache set in.
He stopped in his tracks, imagining he looked rather insane at that moment. He had one sock on and was looking for the other. He soon realized the damn thing was in his hand.
“…Roman,” she repeated, getting out of the bed. “I heard everything.” She wrapped her arms around him, but he couldn’t hug her back. He couldn’t respond. Everything within him was in war mode. At that very moment, he was a soldier. He needed to fight. He needed to beat this bad dream to death. “I’m coming with you.”
“I knew you’d say that, but I am anyway. You’re so angry, you look like you’re about to kill someone! Let me help you.”
“Help me with what, Genesis?! My father ain’t no spring chicken! Some fucker tried to murder my daddy, and now he’s fightin’ for his life! There ain’t a damn thing you can do!”
Genesis didn’t say another word as he raced to his closet, snatched a Nike duffle bag off one of the shelves, and shoved extra clothing and what not inside of it. Genesis was sitting on the side of the bed, on the phone, completely dressed, texting someone, while simultaneously speaking in a low calm voice to someone else, too. He didn’t have time to investigate what she was doing, or to argue with her.
“Hey, you can stay here, or I can call you an Uber, but I have to go. Like right now.” He hated feeling out of control, his emotions on full display. He hated how vulnerable this made him. His world crashing down all around him—with an audience.