The Black Sheep – Part 1 Greed (The Seven Deadly Kins #3) Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: The Seven Deadly Kins Series by Tiana Laveen

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“…Mmmmm! You feel so good inside of me, baby!” She twisted and churned, her eyes watering as she exploded into a series of back-to-back orgasms. He sucked her lower lips when she calmed, pacing himself, knowing the end was near. His defenses were weakening when she took his earlobe into her mouth. Her warm, moist tongue sucked on his tender flesh. He had this thing about his earlobes, and she’d found out one morning by pure luck.

“Uhhh… Uhhhh… I’m gonna cum. Can I cum inside of you, baby?”


Genesis was on birth control even though they typically used condoms. This time, he would release his love within her. An honor and a privilege… He lunged and pumped harder, rocking the car as he ruthlessly fucked her, chasing his climax to the finish line.

“Shit! Oh, shit, Roman!” She held on for dear life as he grabbed her hips, kissed her hard, and let his seed flood her like hot honey.

“Uhhh! Uhhhh…” He kept pumping until he had nothing left. Not a drop to spare.

She gasped as he kept moving, wishing he could have her like this always. They kissed softly while they came down from their sensual highs. They lay there for a bit, soft and sticky, the car smelling of sex and beautiful lust. He shifted then, grabbing a handful of wet wipes from the glove compartment, and helped her clean up. Once they were both dressed, he zipped up his pants, put on his seat belt, and drove out of the barren area. The sun was starting to set, the sky in shades of lavender and jade.

He turned to a different station, and Dead Prez’s, ‘Hip Hop’ boomed through the speakers. After the song was over, he turned down the music.

“Are you thirsty?” he asked, shooting her a glance. “You want some coffee, baby?”

“Yeah. Thanks.” She coughed and readjusted her shirt. A few minutes later, he pulled into a Starbucks drive thru and ordered her favorite drink without her having to remind him.

“Let me get a Grande caramel macchiato, extra foam, two percent milk, steamed, two vanilla pumps, extra caramel, and three shots of espresso.” He also ordered a tall Veranda blend for himself.

They soon arrived back at his penthouse, laughing and messing with one another while on the elevator. He disarmed the security system and entered his dwelling with her right by his side. By now, she knew the drill. She removed her shoes and got comfortable. She had a small bag of items that she left there for overnight visits. A toothbrush, travel sized hair items and toiletries, bras, panties, tampons, a couple of nightgowns, and a few shirts and pants.

He placed their drinks on the bedroom nightstands, hers on the left one, where she typically slept when staying the night. They took a long, hot shower together to the tune of soft instrumental jazz music—kissing, hugging and being totally enamored with one another. The hot water washed over him as he held her close, resting his chin against the top of her head. Giving her a crown like she so deserved. She felt so good, like she belonged there. Like she was everything that was missing from his life. Once they were finished and all dried off, she lotioned her body, and slipped into one of her nightgowns. He put on dark red underwear, combed his hair away from his face, brushed his teeth, and gargled with mouthwash. Getting comfortable under the thick sheets, he turned on the television and surfed stations as she finished up by brushing her teeth and doing whatever it was women do when they’re alone in the restroom after a long day of leisure and fun.

“There you are.” His heart leapt in his chest when she finally opened the bathroom door and turned off the light. “Come here.” He smiled at her as she made her way over, pulling her damp braids. She snuggled close to him, and he wrapped his arm around her, never wanting to let her go. “I know you just bathed, but even when you are working out with me or just laying around, you smell so nice. How in the hell do you always smell so good no matter what? I love that about you.”

She smiled up at him, then blessed him with a soft kiss on the lips. He rested his forehead against hers, ran his fingers through her hair, and it wasn’t long before her nightgown was hiked up to her hips, and he was fucking her as if it was their first time. He flipped her over, his need and desire for her unable to be tamed. She bit into the pillow as he took her from behind, and when he came, he kissed her neck, inhaling her perfume and jerking within her… his dick jolting as it did its last lap inside of her.


