Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
“Yup. 25 Aston Martin Vantage.”
They were headed to the B.C.D., Behind Closed Doors bar, located on Main Street. After a short while he slowed down, much to her delight. She looked out the passenger’s side window and people watched, checking out houses, businesses and the like. It was a comfortable silence. It was a lovely peace. He felt like serenity, not chaos and disorder. The man’s energy was caring and protective. She liked that. She twirled one of her braids around her finger as she gazed at a bench by a bus stop.
His phone pinged, suddenly distracting her. He allowed it to play through his Bluetooth speakers.
“You have a new match on Tinder,’ said the AI automated voice through the speakers. “Dalilah Fuentes is—” He hit a button to turn it off mid-sentence and kept driving, eyes glued to the road ahead.
“Don’t turn it off on my account. I have no claim over you.” She chuckled, though she was slightly miffed, much to her surprise. A strange little pang of jealousy entered her heart.
“Yet.” He grinned as he made his way towards Highway 90.
“What do you mean, ‘yet’?”
“I mean what the word yet actually means. You know what the hell it means. We have no claim over each other yet. It’s more than likely comin’ though.”
“It’s comin’?” She sucked her teeth, then shook her head, amused at his confidence.
He scratched along the side of his nose. “Now, about the dating app,” he carried on. “I’m not trying to hide anything. Of course, I’m open to dating and have been, but I’m still officially single. For now.” He shot her a glance, then a wicked, devious smile. Her stomach flipped. Something about him, and the way he spoke to her and behaved, made her feel like a teenager. It was unnerving, and yet, uplifting all at once. “I turned it off because I want to hear the music, and just sit here and talk to you. I don’t use many dating apps much anymore. Just a couple. Do you have a Tinder account?”
“I used to. A long time ago. I mostly matched with a bunch of weirdos.” She chuckled then turned back towards the window. “Deleted it after a few strange dates.”
“What happened to make them strange?”
“Roman, I could write a book! One guy was a doctor, right?”
“Mmm hmm, sounds good.” He turned down the music a bit more. “Shows he has ambition and can work on something for a long while and see it through. Maybe even concerned and gentle towards mankind.”
“Right. Now, to be honest with you, I figured he was going to be pretentious and arrogant. He wasn’t though, but he was definitely something! Dude met up with me for coffee, talked about himself the entire time, didn’t ask me not one question, and left me with the bill for both of our beverages. He was the one that asked me out, not the other way around.”
“What the hell?” Roman looked genuinely confused, even a bit miffed by her story.
“Exactly. Then another guy I talked to on the phone for a couple of weeks before we decided to meet up. The conversation was good. He was smart, too. I’m a sapiosexual. Do you know what that is?”
“It’s someone who is sexually attracted to maple syrup.”
He laughed his ass off. “Of course, I know what the fuck it is. Brainy guys turn you on. You think I’ve been livin’ under a rock? Continue with the story.”
“So, he passed the vibe check, too. He wasn’t really my type physically, a little short and wore thick glasses, but he was also in the dental field. We had a lot in common and he seemed super nice. Do you know this rodent lookin’ mothafucka had the nerve to tell me, ‘I know a woman is worth committing to if she agrees to a threesome. Polygamy is natural for our culture, despite our customs being stripped from us when we were taken from Africa. All men should have at least two wives, and that’s my preference, but we can start off small. Are you down?’”
Roman burst out laughing, then shrugged. “Okay, so he wanted a ménage à trois and tried to disguise it as being Afrocentric. What did you say?” She was pleasantly pleased that he was familiar with the word Afrocentric.
“I said sure I’d do a threesome, as long as it’s another guy. I told him that I want to sit back and watch him go down on the other dude, slob the balls and all, toss his salad, and then I said, ‘I want to peg both of y’all bastards with a double-headed dildo at the same time while you bite into a pillow and hold hands for dear life.’ He hung up and blocked me.”
Roman laughed so hard, he was shaking.