Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 73556 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 368(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)
As the large restaurant front door was opened for her by an elegantly dressed compere, a cool breeze of culinary-infused air drew quickly balmy, bathing her in a warm, aromatic, mouth-watering welcome. She was greeted by a male employee who had a particularly shiny head of thick light blond hair as she made her way to the hostess booth.
Hearty chatter from patrons dressed in mainly business attire echoed throughout the establishment. She’d decided upon a fitted gray skirt that hit right above the knee, a navy-blue chiffon blouse with pearl buttons, and matching navy heels and clutch with a pearl clasp. She hadn’t been out on the town in a few months due to a hectic work schedule and falling into a Netflix and chill solo-zone hiatus—completely self-imposed. She admitted to herself that when it came to these things, she was a little rusty, but as she passed her reflection while being escorted by a different host to Roman’s table, she gave herself a wink. Not bad.
Then she saw him.
There, sitting at the table, was a tall, broad shouldered man with deep dimples, a Superman cleft chin, short, black facial hair, thick dark brows and lashes, a jawline so chiseled it looked to be etched out of concrete, and lustrous ebony hair. Roman grasped a drinks menu with both hands, a few of the fingers jeweled with gold bands adorned with diamonds.
Then, it seemed he sensed her presence…
He slowly lowered the menu, set it on the table, and rose to his full, lofty height. Wearing a sexy, genuine smile, he unbuttoned his black suit jacket.
“Mr. Wilde, your guest has arrived,” the waiter announced as he went to pull out Genesis’ chair.
“Yes, I see… I’ve got it from here, Paul.”
“Certainly.” The waiter bowed then walked away, leaving Roman helping her into the chair.
“Thank you.” She sat down, shuddering when she caught the scent of his lovely cologne, and his fingertips grazed her left shoulder.
He returned to his seat and when he leaned slightly forward, his magnificent tawny eyes caught the light. He reached for her hand and caressed her fingers, pulling back before it fully registered that she’d been touched in such a respectful yet flirty way.
“You look beautiful tonight, Genesis. You’re so pretty, regardless of what you wear, or how you do your hair. Speakin’ of hair, are those the Goddess braids? You never sent a picture. Either way, nice!”
“Thank you. Yes, these are the Goddess braids.” She flipped them over one shoulder and glanced around the restaurant before resting her sights on him once more. “You look quite nice, too.”
Roman was sporting a cream shirt, the first two buttons undone. He wore a dark black sports jacket, and not one strand of his hair was out of place.
“Speakin’ of my hair, first, I want to thank you again for sending that CashApp.”
“You’re welcome.”
“But I wanted to address this in person. Let’s get something straight.”
“Uh oh! This sounds serious!” He smirked while waving his hands around.
“Listen to me.” She reached across the table and yanked his wrist as soon as he placed his hands down. His eyes widened ever so slightly, but that devilish grin on his face remained. “I know you meant well. I know that to you, it was a kind gesture. I get it. That’s probably how you show you care, but please don’t send me money unless I ask for it, and there is no chance in hell that I will be askin’ you for it, at least not at this stage in our barely existent relationship.”
“Mmmm, I see. Independent woman?”
“That’s not it at all. I am independent, but that’s not the reason why I don’t want you to give me money. The reason is because I don’t know you like that.”
“I didn’t realize that we had to know people well before helping them out. I better alert all the folks who give love offerings then. STOP! Throw that check away. You don’t know that bastard!” He chortled.
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it. You just want to be sarcastic. I don’t want to take your money because it sends the wrong message. You could want somethin’ in return, something I’m not willing to give, or you may think that this is a way to build trust. It’s not. I can’t be bought. Five hundred dollars is a lot of money to give to someone you don’t know all that well, and then, you offered more.”
“It’s not a lot to me but go on.” He sucked his teeth and looked about as if only half-listening.
“I replied to say thanks as a courtesy, and now I’m sending the money right back to you. I didn’t want to do that earlier without a face-to-face explanation.” She grabbed her phone from her purse and went into the app to reject the deposit and give it back to Roman Wilde.