Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

The lovely erotic fear in her eyes sent a surge of blood through his cock and balls. He squeezed a little harder, watching her pupils dilate and her pretty pink nipples harden.

When he let her go, she stumbled back, gasping. He reached for her shoulders to steady her, letting the ghost of a smile curve his lips. “As to where I was, I was meeting with some of the resident Doms about my tenure here. You were the primary topic of conversation.”

“Me?” A small pucker appeared between her brows as she wrapped her arms protectively around her perfect breasts. “I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

“Don’t worry. It was all good. In fact, they made me a rather intriguing proposal that I’d like to share with you. It would involve your spending this coming week here at The Enclave, starting today.”

She frowned. “Huh? I already failed Slave Training 101. Are you sure it was me they were talking about?”

Beau placed an arm around her shoulders, gently steering her from the table. “Absolutely sure.” He glanced around the crowded room. “Is there somewhere private we could go to discuss it?”

Apprehensive but wildly intrigued, Lia led Beau to the meditation room. The space was a haven Lucia had taken her to several times after she’d been confined yet again to Master Lawrence’s punishment cage for her latest infraction. It was Lia’s favorite room in The Enclave, barring the dungeon, of course.

As they entered the room, she flicked the switch to activate the unique waterfall wall. As the water cascaded down the copper and slate design, Beau took a step back to admire it. “Wow, nice,” he said. “What a cool space.”

“Right?” Lia agreed, feeling oddly proprietary, though she’d only spent a few weeks at The Enclave. “With everything going on this morning, we should have privacy here.”

They sat a few feet apart on the large, comfortable sofa directly across from the waterfall wall. Beau was wearing a soft cotton long-sleeved black Henley shirt over faded jeans, his feet in black leather loafers that looked soft as butter. The clothing fit him perfectly, accentuating his gorgeous physique and muscular legs without being too loose or too tight. Suddenly aware of her own nakedness, Lia grabbed one of the throw pillows and hugged it to her body.

She fixed Beau with an expectant gaze while possibilities tumbled through her brain. What could possibly involve an entire week of her time? Did they want her to be his Kinbaku model for training demonstrations? She flashed back to the amazing night before, her body tingling at the thought of those lovely snug ropes hugging her body. She would totally be up for that, but why would it require her staying at The Enclave?

When he didn’t immediately begin to speak, her impatience got the better of her and she demanded, “So? What’s this proposal? I’m all ears.”

“Patience is a virtue, little one,” he said with a teasing grin.

“Not one I ever cultivated,” she snapped back reflexively.

“We’ll have to work on that,” he replied predictably. She managed to keep quiet until he finally volunteered, “After talking it over, they’ve agreed they’d like to give you another chance here at The Enclave, assuming you’re interested, of course. They recognize that their more traditional approach, or Slave Training 101 as you so aptly called it, didn’t work for you.”

“To put it mildly,” she interjected with chagrin.

He nodded. “We talked it over and, loosely stated, the idea is that you’d return to a training situation here. But instead of multiple trainers, you’d be working solely with me. There would be no positions training, no daily chores, no Master Lawrence waiting in the wings to slap you into his punishment cage. It would just be me and you, one-on-one.”

Lia was struck speechless as she struggled to process the enormity of what Beau seemed to be offering. A solid week with this gorgeous, sexy, masterful Dom? Her first impulse was to shout, “Hell to the yes! Bring it on, baby.”

But was she really up for another intensive experience like the one she’d so recently failed? What made them, or Beau for that matter, think her experience would be any different this time around?

As if reading her thoughts, Beau reached out to place his hand lightly on her knee. “I’ll be honest with you Lia. While I agree with The Enclave Doms that there is a submissive inside you waiting to be released, this will be an experiment for us both. I do have experience with submissive training, but it’s always been with someone I know well. While you and I were a good fit for one scene, that doesn’t necessarily translate into full-on training.”

“Go on,” she said softly, her entire being focused on his words.

“This wouldn’t just be an extended scene, Lia. Though there will be some sexual exercises included as part of your training, this isn’t some roundabout way for me to get into your pants, I assure you.”


