Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“Whoa,” Beau said, his mind reeling with the possibilities. “This is definitely an intriguing proposition. I agree, Lia is still searching for something. But I’m not sure I’m the Dom to help her find it. Like I told you during the Zoom interview, I don’t have a lot of formal training in slave training techniques. I operate more on instinct.”

“That’s exactly why we think you might be the right person for the job,” Aubrey interjected. “Lia hasn’t responded well to formal training. She might well respond to a different approach.”

“And what’s the worst that can happen?” Mark added with a smile. “She runs away again? At least we can say we’ve given it our best shot.”

“And, just so you know,” Lawrence added, “Lia has a clean bill of health. No STI’s or any other medical issues. Oh, and she’s on birth control—an IUD, to be precise.”

Beau flushed at the implications of this information. “I thought we were just talking about training here.”

“We are,” Anthony interjected smoothly. “But sometimes slave training, especially when it’s a one-on-one scenario, can lead to, uh, more personal interactions. You indicated in our Zoom interview that you also have no STI’s or any other health concerns we might need to be aware of. Is that still the case?”

Beau would have bristled at this personal probing, but when he thought about how intensive and overtly sexual some of The Enclave training practices were, he recognized they were just taking what for them were basic precautions.

“Yes,” he answered simply. “No concerns.”

Anthony leaned back with a smile. “Excellent. So, what do you think, Beau? Is this something you’d be interested in pursuing? Lia may be a handful at times, but I believe she is sincere in wanting to connect with her inner submissive.”

Beau was impressed by their continued interest in helping one of their past trainees succeed, even after she’d dropped out the first time. And, if he were being totally honest, it would be the perfect way to get to continue where Lia and he left off the night before, without sending her the wrong signal—i.e., that he was interested in getting involved with her on a personal level. No, even if the possibility had flickered through his brain, she was definitely way too young for him.

Training her where experts had failed would no doubt be a challenge, but then, he wasn’t one to shy away from a challenge. He would just need to keep his head on straight and his dick in his pants.

Who was he kidding? He’d made his decision the second the opportunity was offered. No way he was going to turn down the chance to take control of Lia. Their single scene had been beyond intense. Imagine what he could do with a solid week?

Beau met their expectant gazes with a grin. “Count me in.”

Chapter 9

The breakfast meeting broke up soon after his acceptance. They had agreed that, rather than sitting Lia down for the formal contract negotiation that usually preceded Enclave training, Beau would approach her individually with the offer.

After returning to his suite to grab a few things, he went downstairs to find Lia. He scanned the huge living room, seeking her out. The Enclave had been once again opened to the outside guests attending the event. The room was packed with people moving along the various vendor tables perusing the impact toys and other BDSM paraphernalia for purchase.

He eventually spied Lia at one of the tables, identifying her from behind by her pink hair and petite shape. He was pleased to see she had remained naked like the resident slaves, a good sign that she felt at home and at ease at The Enclave, even when not involved in a scene. He stopped just behind her, admiring the faint bruises on her pert bottom from the spanking he’d given her the night before.

She stood in front of a display of slave collars made from soft leather dyed various colors, each one unique in its design. He moved closer.

“One of those would look beautiful around your neck. Maybe one day you’ll earn the right to wear one.”

At the sound of his voice, she whipped around, color suffusing her pretty face. Her lips parted as if in invitation to his cock, which twitched with appreciation. Within a few seconds, however, the mask of insolent amusement he was already coming to know slipped into place.

With a nonchalant shrug, she said, “I already told you, I’m not slave material.” Then she flashed an impish grin, adding, “I was wondering where you’d got to. Figured maybe it was all too much for you.”

Before she could react, he reached for her throat as he had the night before, easily spanning it with his thumb and forefinger. He squeezed gently but with enough pressure to get her full attention. “You figured wrong. I’m only just getting started.”


