Taken by My Werewolf Bodyguard Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79692 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 319(@250wpm)___ 266(@300wpm)

My fists clenched at my sides. “How dare she come here?”

Domenico and his wife turned around, following my gaze, and it was clear on their faces that they knew exactly who I was glaring at.

Domenico cursed.

“I saw him,” I said bitterly. “I saw him kissing—-”

The redhead actually came to us, a pretty smile to match her pretty face.


The girl stopped dead in her tracks as I pointed an accusing finger at her. She looked over her shoulder, as if wondering if there was someone else I was pointing at. When she looked back at me, she asked in a confused voice, “Are you, err, talking about me?”

“Do you know even know who I am?” I cried out.

“The girl Alejandro wants to marry?”

I didn’t know what I wanted to do more at her words – kill her or kill myself. “If you know that, then how could you have kissed him—-”

A male arm curved around the redhead’s waist, and I suddenly found myself looking at Alejandro.

Rather, I was looking at someone who appeared exactly like Alejandro but was not him.

He was Alessandro, Alejandro’s twin, and his tone was an icy snarl as he demanded, “Who the hell tried to kiss my girl?”


It was almost midnight by the time I reached Lyccan Hall, which according to Domenico was where Alejandro was currently nursing his broken heart. The werewolf prince had dished the words out without blinking, and I knew he had wanted me to feel as guilty as I could be. I had heard about the Moretti heir being ruthless when necessary, and now I knew it was true. He wanted me to learn my lesson from what happened, and I did. I didn’t think I’d ever forget this lesson, not even until the day I died.

Lyccan Hall was heavily fortified, just as what was expected from the race’s headquarters. I studied it thoroughly, and it took me about forty-five seconds to size it up. It was strong, definitely, but it was not impregnable.

The gates opened before me again, and the guard I had given my name to came out once more. “My apologies, Princess Calys,” he said stiffly. “I am afraid Prince Alejandro will be occupied for the rest of his time here and is thus unable to meet with you.”

He didn’t want to see me then.

I should have expected that, but the words hurt nonetheless. Squaring my shoulders, I told myself that I wouldn’t give up just like that. I loved him. I had stupidly hurt him, but it didn’t make me love him any less and he had to realize that.

But before I could do that, I had to get him to see first.

“I’m sorry,” I told the guard.

He blinked in surprise.

“Please don’t consider this as something personal.”

Before he could ask me what was wrong, I had already knocked him unconscious. One down, more to go.

It was only when I had knocked out twenty Lyccan guards that the person I had come for finally appeared. He stood just a step past the gates of Lyccan Hall, a mountain of groaning, half-unconscious wolves between us. The sight of him had me swallowing, but the coldness in his eyes made me want to forget about being a warrior and just cry. From the first time we met, Alejandro Moretti had always been a passionate man. He was passionate in his fury, his happiness, in everything he did – and yet, now, there was none of that in his gaze. I had hurt him so badly that I had forced him to withdraw into himself, unable to feel but unable to be hurt as well.

When he only looked at me with a bored expression on his gorgeous face, I said almost apologetically, “I won’t stop until I talk to you.”

His lips twisted. “Bloodthirsty kitten, aren’t you?”

“I suppose I am.” More silence followed and I said finally, “I have a confession to make.”

Alejandro’s green eyes slid towards my hapless victims. “Let me guess,” he drawled ever so coolly. “You have anger management issues.”

I choked on a nervous giggle. “Possibly.”

Again, his gaze slid back to the injured Lyccans between us. You think, his gaze seemed to ask.

I cleared my throat. “That’s, umm, not the confession I wanted to make, though.” Before he could make another smartass comeback and before I completely lost my courage, I blurted out, “I saw you kissing another girl.”

He stilled. “Is that so?”

“I’m afraid that’s not it still.” Swallowing, I gave him the whole, unvarnished, embarrassing truth of it. “I saw you kissing another girl – hours ago. At my birthday party.”

This time, he jerked in shock. “What the fuck?”

“And it turned out to be Alessandro,” I explained miserably. “Your brother. I forgot all about you being twins because I was so...mad.” I held my breath, searching his face for any sign of understanding or even anger. Anything that would tell me I had made him feel and that I wasn’t too late.


