Taken by My Werewolf Bodyguard Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79692 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 398(@200wpm)___ 319(@250wpm)___ 266(@300wpm)

It made him smile, and against his good judgment, Alejandro kissed her hair once more.

Calys sighed under him, murmuring sleepily, “I love you, Alejandro.”

Chapter Seven


A knock sounded on my door at promptly ten minutes before seven, the exact time Alejandro told me he would be back to accompany me to dinner. I hurried to open the door, but my smile faded when I saw his face.

Gone was the tender lover I had been with the whole night, the one who had woken me up with kisses and even served me breakfast in bed.

The werewolf in front of me was as handsome and as powerful, but his face was devoid of expression.

My voice faltered. “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head. “No.” His lips curved in an odd smile. “You look beautiful.”

“T-thank you.” I had dressed carefully for tonight’s dinner, knowing that appearances were a must. Not wanting to look too young or too feminine, I had opted for a pinstriped jacket and matching skirt.

“You look good, too,” I mumbled. Alejandro was dressed as formally, also in black and white. I knew he was only a couple of years older than me, but when he looked like this, he felt light years ahead of me.

He took my hand. “Are you nervous?”

“Yes.” But it wasn’t for the reason he thought I was. He was the one who made me nervous, but even I couldn’t explain why that was.

Alejandro held my hand as we went down the stairs, heading straight to the dining hall where representatives from the Panthera awaited. “Before we enter, you should know that your cousin Raoul is also here, together with a few members of your pack.”

I stuttered to a stop. “Why is he here?”

“The Panthera invited him.” Alejandro’s hold on my hand tightened. “Whatever happens, I am here for you. Remember that.”

I shook my head. The truth was beginning to sink in. The whole Panthera might not believe me. They might think I was behind the deaths of Pasquale and his pack members. I could tell them that they were the first one to attack me, but it would be my word – an outsider’s word – against a panther whose reputation in life had been beyond pristine.

“They might sentence me to death.”

I didn’t realize I had said the words out loud until Alejandro said very decisively, “No.” Protectiveness glittered in his gaze. “I won’t let anything happen to you. Remember that.” And then he was pulling the door open.

The men inside the room stood up as I entered. There were eight men and two women. Four of the men were from the Panthera, the rest consisted of Raoul and his companions.

It was always hard for me to look at Raoul. He looked so much like Venetto, and the resemblance was heartbreaking. He could have been a brother to us if he wanted to. We would have loved him and faithfully served him, but he hadn’t wanted that. He would never want it because he wanted to be Venetto’s only heir.

“Thank you for granting us your time,” the man standing at the head of the table murmured. Benito was an old friend of my father, a silver-haired man who held the highest position in the Panthera. “You know everyone here, I assume.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Benito, like my father, was also alpha of his pack. I glanced at Alejandro. “May I introduce my Cavaliere? Prince Alejandro of the Lyccan Morettis.”

“An honor,” Benito murmured.

“The honor, Your Majesty, is mine,” Alejandro returned.

When Benito inclined his head, all the men took their seats while Alejandro pulled back the chair at the foot of the table for me. This placed me adjacent to Raoul while Alejandro sat across him, right next to one of Raoul’s female companions.

“I would like us to enjoy this meal in comfort,” Benito began, “and as such, I believe it would be better if we postpone our talk tomorrow. This is fine with you, Calys?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


“Of course, sire. Whatever you think is always best.” He had always been obsequious, my cousin.

Course after course was served. The food was delicious, but all of it tasted like ashes in my mouth. The roast beef placed in front of me made me want to puke. It reminded me of the scene inside the cottage when Juriaan had flown me back to the place at my insistence.

I had wanted to be sure that Alejandro was all right. He was, but the others were not, all of them reduced into bloodied pieces of flesh on the floor.

The thought caused my hand to shake, and my knife slipped from my hold, clanging to the floor.

Almost all eyes went to me and I flushed, mumbling an apology. The server behind me moved to pick it up, but I shook my head with a polite smile. “It’s fine, I can do it.”


