Royal Read online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #4)

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96260 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 321(@300wpm)

I adjusted in my seat, hoping the shift would grant my stiffening cock some ease.

Keegan pulled into a lot, and we headed through a back entrance to one of the buildings.

A man worked behind a counter at a bar. “Well, if it isn’t the infamous Keegan Kruse,” the man said as soon as he looked up. “And your new prince. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

He exchanged a quick handshake with me. “Thank you guys for helping me out today. Keegan, your brother’s in the back room.”

“It’s like the VIP room at the bar,” Keegan explained as he led me to the back. “They put on private events there and stuff. Some drag shows sometimes to raise money for the animal shelter I work at too.”

He opened the door to a dark space. “The hell? Jace?”

“In the back here.”

“What the fuck are you doing working in the dark?”

Keeg reached around the corner and found a light, switching it on, revealing a room packed full of people, including Casey and Steve, who shouted with the rest of the crowd, “Surprise!”

We both stood there, stunned, before I noticed a sign hanging on the back wall, behind the small mob, reading: HAPPY COMING OUT!

“Holy. Fucking. Hell,” Keegan muttered.

“Keegan!” a woman from the crowd said sternly.

“Sorry, Nance,” Keeg said, which got everyone cracking up.

He glanced at me uneasily.

“Come on, it’s your coming out party,” I said.

Surely he had to be appreciative that his family and friends had gone to such lengths to put this together.

“And…hit it!”

I followed the voice to what was clearly a man in drag, wearing a blonde wig and a tight white dress, posing like a mannequin. Someone must’ve hit a Play button because music filled the air, and it only took me a moment to recognize the beginning of the ’80s classic “It’s Raining Men.”

“Oh my God, Carter,” Keegan said, unable to stifle another laugh as the drag queen began lip-syncing to the lyrics and gesturing to a door behind her, where four men stepped out in matching black, glittery vests, open in the front to reveal their admittedly impressive bodies.

The small room filled with laughter as the vested men started an incredibly poorly choreographed dance and the drag performer hurried in front of them to continue her act, delivering the lyrics to Keegan.

And now I definitely knew the deepest shade of red his face could turn…and just how big that smile could get.



I’d seen Carter in drag before at a charity recently, but I couldn’t believe he’d gone to this length to put on this number for me.

I recognized his lineup of backup dancers—Linc, Ash, and Zed—all doing a similar number to the one they’d performed at the charity. But the addition of Sawyer to the mix was about as hilarious as could be. While the other guys were obviously getting a laugh out of the number at my expense, Sawyer kept to the back and minimized the amount of moves he had to display.

Zed grabbed a chair and encouraged me into it before Ash offered me a lap dance, and I could see Beau and Jace getting a good laugh about it.

“Welcome to the club, buddy,” Ash said with a wink as he continued Magic Miking on me before Zed, who worked at the fire station with my bro, insisted on a turn and worked his ass all up on my lap.

Linc’s boyfriend, Rush, hurried toward me, a stack of cash in his hand. As he started making it rain one-dollar bills around Ash, Linc said, “Come on, Ash. Show us those moves!”

“Keep it PG!” Nance shouted.

“Yeah, keep it PG for Nance, guys,” Jace joked.

As Rush continued divvying out dollar bills, I found myself having a hard time breathing through the laughter, especially as I watched Carter practically tearing Sawyer’s vest off him.

When the number came to an end, everyone applauded before they started chanting, “Keegan! Keegan! Keegan!”

And dammit, I was starting to fucking cry just from how goddamn incredible everyone had been to put this on for me.

“Nice number,” Owen told Carter as soon as it was over.

“And fab dress,” I added.

“Thanks, the outfit is just something I threw together. But the event, all the credit goes to Nance and Serena.”

“So you’re the schemers,” I said, glaring at them.

“I asked if we could have a party,” Serena said in her defense. She stood beside Nance, Jace, and Dax in the group that had gathered, full of friends and close family acquaintances, which made it that much more significant. I also had to admit there was something special about having the Saturgays in attendance, like I was officially being inducted into the Fever Falls Hall of Gays.

“We didn’t want to do it if you were uncomfortable,” Nance added. “Since you said okay to have a party, she just misled you about how exactly we would be having this party. And we made sure your prince would be here to celebrate with us.”


