Reckless Hands (Joey and Adora Duet #1) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Joey and Adora Duet Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61905 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

Those icy blue eyes are locked on me, but not in a friendly way. He’s staring at me as if I’m the worst person to have ever graced this earth, and if his eyes could kill me, they would. This is the part when I probably should back away and give him space, but no one ever claimed I was a smart girl. I’m fucking mad. I’m mad that he thinks he can be angry at me for a situation I don’t even want to be in.

“Should I change my fucking attitude?”

He throws his head back and laughs and then it stops as fast as it began. “Never. I think you should be a good little slut and come in here and suck my fucking cock.” He pauses to smirk, but he isn’t finished yet. “Or just be a good fucking little wife… either or will do.”

“How fucking dare you.” My feet are moving before I can even stop myself, and now I’m standing in the shower, the front of my dress getting soaked. We’re toe to toe now, and I can only imagine his smirk is meant to communicate a thought of what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

“What are you going to do about it, darling?”

Huh, maybe I can read him better than I thought?

My blood is absolutely boiling. Who does he think he is? Oh, that’s right, my damn husband. Now that’s a laugh.

“Darling?” I give him my best eye roll and stick my finger in his face. “I’m going to ‘darling’ you six feet under the fucking ground. How about that, darling?”

I take a small step back, and my eyes disobey me, glancing down at his cock again. It’s not hard to miss, it is right there after all.

“I heard if you take a picture, it’ll last longer.” I don’t give him the satisfaction of looking away from his cock. A part of me wonders what it would be like if that thing comes at me. The other part, though, it wants to cut it off.

“I’m just trying to work out if this is considered small or average.” We both know I’m lying. He isn’t considered either, but his cock twitches at my words, and his voice follows soon after.

“Why don’t you wrap your lips around it, darling, and we can test your theory for ourselves.”

“Your cock is lucky to be in the same vicinity as me.” I move to walk away, but he catches my forearm and turns me back to face him.

“I’ve been around you. I’ve seen the face you make when you come, don’t forget that. And let’s get one thing straight, I’m more and a better man than you could ever get. So why don’t you run along and chase that pussy that you’re so dying have. Because I don’t fucking want you.”

“I was willing to try, you know.” I wave my hand between us. “But you’re all kinds of fucked-up. I fucking tried, and this is what I get back.”

He laughs at me again, and my muscles tense with frustration.

“That’s cute. That’s real, real cute that you think you tried. You may have thought you were trying when I stepped into that room with you.” He steps closer to me now, so close I can feel his hot breath on my face as he speaks. “But it wasn’t my name that left those lips when you came, was it?”

Shit. What? I didn’t even realize I said what he thinks I said. I wonder if it’s because the last person to make me come was her, so it was her on my mind. I can see why he’s pissed off, but he has to get over it. He can’t make this a thing—a one-word slip-up and everything is ruined. I have to be in this relationship as much as he does, so the least he can do is give me some grace when I was falling for someone else, and I stopped that to be with him.

“I can see the wheels spinning in your head. Don’t even think for a second you can somehow turn this around on me.” He starts to spin away from me, and I do the stupidest thing I can think of doing. I mean, I don’t even know why it entered my head. It’s the sleep deprivation, that’s what I’m going to put it down as. That has to be the reason why my hand reaches out and clutches his cock because there’s literally no other reason I can think of as to why I would do something like that. I mean, apart from the fact that it’s so pretty, but I’m never telling him that.

My eyes shoot up to his as my hand remains wrapped around him. His eyes, that were full of hatred a moment ago, are now full of amusement and perhaps a little bit of shock because here I am, his wife who has never even touched him before, now standing in front of him in a wedding dress in his shower and holding his cock. I mean, when you think about it, it sounds like something a married couple would do, but we aren’t your average married couple.


