Punished (Brides of the Kindred #27) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 130317 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 652(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Kissie rolled her eyes again.

“Who do you think got punished? It was Brother Enoc punishing Sister Lisha again, of course.”

“Oh—poor Sister Lisha!” Teebra exclaimed. “It seems like she’s always in trouble.”

“That’s because she wants to be in trouble,” Kissie said, sounding exasperated. “She and Enoc like having people witness their punishments all over the damn Dome!”

“You think she gets into trouble on purpose?” Teebra opened her eyes wide. They were dark blue and, unlike Kissie’s eyes, wouldn’t have looked out of place in a human face, Mia thought.

“You don’t think it’s on purpose?” Kissie countered.

“But…but why would anyone do that?” Teebra shook her head. “I try so hard to be good so my husband, Dannok won’t have to punish me.”

“Does he punish you often, then?” Mia asked her.

“More than I’d like,” Teebra said. “I don’t mind suckling his shaft afterwards, but he always spanks so hard! And sometimes if I’m especially bad, he’ll take me…take me in my back door, if you know what I mean?” she confided in a low voice.

Mia frowned.

“You mean anally?”

“Yes.” Teebra nodded, her long silver hair swishing around her face. “That’s only when I’m really bad though, and he doesn’t do it too often. But he says I have to understand that my body belongs to him and he can do whatever he wants with me.”

Mia clenched her jaw.

“And that’s all right with you?” she demanded. “You don’t mind giving up total control of your body to another person like that?”

“Why would I?” Teebra looked at her with wide eyes. “Women were created to submit and obey and please their husbands—it’s not up to us to say yes or no. We just do as we’re told.”

“I don’t agree with that,” Mia said tightly. “That’s what I was raised to believe too, but it’s bullshit—all of it!”

Teebra got a shocked look on her face and Kissie shook her head.

“Now you’ve gone and done it,” she muttered to Mia, under her breath.

“Then why are you and your husband even here if you don’t believe in the teachings of the Prophet?” Teebra demanded, glaring at Mia. “Why are you taking a spot in the Dome where another who truly believes might be instead?”

Uh-oh, it seemed to Mia she had gone too far.

“Um…” She cleared her throat. “My husband wanted to try it,” she said at last, weakly. “He’s, uh, trying to train me in the ways of the PPP but it’s hard for me, since I’m so new.”

“Well…” Teebra only seemed slightly mollified by Mia’s explanation. “I hope that you’ll learn soon to revere the Prophet and his teachings as you ought to,” she lectured primly.

“I’m sure I will,” Mia said humbly. “Um…I’m almost done with my soup—what do we do with the used cups?” she asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Oh, just throw them down the recycling and reforming chute,” Kissie told her. “It’s right beside the Nutrient tubes where we got our lunch.”

“They certainly do seem to want the women around here to eat and drink plenty of Nutrient Crème,” Mia remarked, feeling a stab of unease when she considered that she’d eaten almost an entire Big Gulp-sized cup of the stuff.

“That’s because the Nutrient Crème isn’t like real food—it keeps you from getting fat,” Teebra said helpfully as they all rose from their spot on the grass.

“But…how does it take so many different forms?” Mia asked, mystified. “Last night when I first tried it, it was like some kind of creamy, pale purple liquor. And this morning, it tasted like my favorite grapefruit smoothie. And now…soup.” She motioned with her cup. “How is that possible?”

“I told you they switch it up,” Kissie reminded her.

“But it’s also supposed to mimic the things you like,” Teebra told her. “That’s so you’ll drink more of it.”

“So…they have all the women in the Dome on a liquid diet just so they won’t get fat?” Mia asked.

Actually, though the reasons behind it were sexist as hell, it wasn’t a bad idea, she thought. She loved soups and smoothies and could cheerfully live on them for quite a long time. And if the Nutrient Crème mixture was specially made to help you lose weight…well, she wouldn’t mind getting a little thinner, especially in her hips and ass.

“Yeah, it keeps our weight down,” Kissie said, nodding.

“But it also helps your milk come in if you’re pregnant,” Teebra added. “Or your nectar, if you’re not.”

“Uh, what?” Mia asked, frowning.

“You know—your nectar?” Teebra asked. “It fills your breasts and then you have to get it sucked out by the milking mat while…” She blushed deeply. “While you’re husband helps you from the other end.”

“Admit it—you like getting milked!” Kissie poked her friend and laughed when Teebra blushed even harder until her whole face was purple.

“Well…I like the feeling of Dannok helping me…of submitting to him on my knees,” she admitted shyly. “And it’s nice to know that my nectar is going to feed all the sweet babies.”


