Promiscuous Lies (Vengeful Lies #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Vengeful Lies Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

He smirks. “Always with that sass.”

“You hated my sass,” I throw back at him. He rubs a hand over his chin and nods his head.

“Yes, but you learned,” he says. “You were a fast learner.” He glances at the house then. “Is my kid in there?”

My heart rate picks up. His kid. How could Bentley be his kid if he never worried about him? How can a child so pure and sweet have the same DNA as this violent, controlling man in front of me? “Cat got your tongue?”

I point my nose in the air. “He is my kid,” I tell him, hoping he doesn’t hear the shakiness in my voice.

“Yeah, a kid I told you to get rid of.”

“I did. I got rid of both of us. So you can leave now.”

“That’s not going to happen.” He smiles evilly. “I might have to be careful with how I handle you because of the Monti family, but let me assure you it won’t keep me away from my son. You know, paternal rights and all. I thought I’d pay a visit so we can establish some rules going forward.”

My nails dig into my palm as I bite out, “You have a kid back in Boston. Why are you really here? You don’t give a shit about him or me, so go back to your own fucking family!”

His smirk is full of venom. “So you stalked me? It looks like I’m not the only one who has struggled to move forward. And don’t worry about that bitch and kid; they’re just a temporary thing. You were always my main girl, you know.”

I scoff. “We never had a future, Bobbi. Not while you were fucking another woman and telling me not to worry about it. There is no us, and he is not your son. You think you were the only one fooling around?” I lie.

He steps into my space. I make sure not to flinch, but I’m preparing myself for the worst. A dog barks in a nearby yard, which seems enough for him to reassess his decisions. This neighborhood, although not the nicest, is far safer than the one we lived in together, and people here will call the police.

He goes to pinch a lock of my hair, but I slap his hand away. He just smiles.

“You know, she fell pregnant once before you did, and like a good girl, she listened when I told her to get rid of that kid. Turns out, it was too late to abort the second time, though. Even when I pushed her down the stairs, the kid survived. So I realized he was a tough little guy, just like me.”

My stomach twists with nausea. I hate this man so much that tears want to spring from my eyes.

I fucking hate you so much.

He smirks at my penetrating glare.

“Leave, Bobbi. No one wants you here. Least of all me,” I growl.

“Oh, yeah. I heard you were with a Taylor. You know who that family is, right?” I don’t bite at his antics. “They’re more dangerous than me, Posie. You want our son around that? Striker might’ve told me I can’t stir shit with them, but he has no place in the discussion between me and the mother of my child.”

“At least he knows their names,” I spit. Which I know I shouldn’t have done because his nostrils flare, and he bites the inside of his cheek, trying to keep his temper in check. We used to have a habit of fighting. We would both throw fists and then make up, swearing it wouldn’t happen again until it happened again.

I thought that was the type of love I deserved.

I thought that was all I was allowed to have.

Until Bentley.

Until Dutton, a small voice whispers.

“He doesn’t know my name because you ran,” he seethes, his foul breath covering my face.

“No, he doesn’t know your name because you are a shit human who told me to get rid of him! Go back to Boston!”

“I’m the shit human? And what is it you do for work, Posie?” he says, smirking. “What if I took you to court to fight for full custody? Surely, you couldn’t afford it. No one’s going to believe a whore who dances for money.”

I bite my tongue, doing my best not to react to his provocation.

“You don’t want him,” I grit. “You just want to get back at me.”

Then, a sly glint enters his eyes. “See, I knew you knew me. And you know I’ll do it to spite you.”

“They will choose me over you,” I insist.

“Oh no, sweetheart. My parents will be the ones fighting for him. I don’t have time for a full-time kid.” He winks and then turns, heading back to his bike.

His parents enabled his bad behavior. His father was a banker who made many good investments, enough that he can now live off them for the rest of his life. His mother is a housewife who idolizes her son, even if he is the devil himself.


