Promiscuous Lies (Vengeful Lies #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Vengeful Lies Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

My eye twitches as I glance around, searching for said bug. Ford is quiet, but that’s not unusual.

“And why were all three of you in here anyway?” I question, trying my hardest to calm my raging, murderous thoughts.

Billie now has her shirt back in place, and she rolls her eyes. “You can’t seriously be pissed right now? And we came in to get the cake.”

“The cake’s out there,” I say suspiciously, staring her down. Whatever she sees makes her pause, but only momentarily before she starts arguing.

“Hello? Did you forget I enjoy baking? Did you really think we’d only bring one variety of cake?” She flicks her honey-colored hair over her shoulder. “Gosh, you’re so insufferable. I need to find Hope and Ivy to get away from all this testosterone.” She huffs, shoving past me. “Besides, shouldn’t you be getting your shit together?” she asks with an arched eyebrow.

I swallow. She’s right. Today isn’t only Bentley’s sixth birthday party.

Ford hands me a stack of plates, and I nod in thanks before leaving, giving them one more assessing look. As I leave, I can hear Hawke furiously speaking with Ford in a low voice. I don’t know what the fuck is happening with those two, but something doesn’t feel right.

When I get back outside, half the cake is cut up and being served. “Everything all right?” Posie asks, and I smile at her, this beautiful fucking woman I’ve been blessed to call mine.

“It couldn’t be better,” I reply, then call Bentley over for a family photo. I pick him up, and Posie takes a selfie for us. I notice Paula and Mike taking a photo from a distance. They’ve become another addition to our family.

“Mommy, Dutton has a question for you,” Bentley says suddenly, and I’m put on the spot as I set him on his feet. The little fucker threw me right into it. I don’t like everyone watching, but I swallow my pride because this isn’t about me. It’s about Posie. My Mostriciattola flipped my world upside down but became the home I didn’t think I deserved.

“What’s up?” she asks sweetly, and her eyes go wide when I grab her hand and slowly drop to one knee.

Her other hand goes to her mouth as she squeaks, “You can’t be serious. Now?”

I run my thumb over her knuckles as everyone watches us. “It was Bentley’s idea to propose on his birthday.”

“I helped pick out the ring!” Bentley announces with a huge grin. I can’t help but smile at him before turning back to Posie, who is tearing up.

“Use my son against me, why don’t you,” she says through a laugh.

“Well, we come as a package deal now, Mostriciattola. You know why I’m here on one knee. You know I love you more than anything and want to give you everything. So, please, do me the honor of becoming my wife so you can keep me in line until the day I die. Although, I’d much prefer if you threw fewer things at my head.”

She chokes on a laugh as she drops to her knees and hugs me, crying. “You deserve it half the time, asshole,” she whispers.

“She said yes!” I announce to everyone, and she laughs, kissing me. As relief floods me, I claim her mouth, covering Bentley’s eyes with one hand. I certainly didn’t want to be rejected in front of my entire family. But I’d have done it again and again until she said yes.

When we pull apart, she looks down at the ring, and I let Bentley pull it out of the box so I can slide it on her finger.

“We liked the blue one,” he explains. “But Daddy said we had to get the biggest one.”

“What did you just say?” Posie chokes out, and I look at Bentley, shocked.

Bentley seems unsure of himself as he awkwardly looks at the ground. “Is it okay if I call you that?” he asks uncertainly. Posie looks at me, tears welling in her eyes, and I pull him in for a hug, clearing my throat. I didn’t know how much I needed to hear that until I had.

“Of course it is, son,” I say, and tears stream down Posie’s face as I bring Bentley close to me, hugging him, grateful for his acceptance.

Grateful for this family I have for myself.

The family I’d kill for all over again.


