Promiscuous Lies (Vengeful Lies #2) Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Vengeful Lies Series by T.L. Smith

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92190 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 461(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 307(@300wpm)

She’s frantically grabbing at her jeans, and I can’t help but smirk at the once-composed Posie, who is now in a fluster because she’s been caught—literally with her pants down.

She’s holding the jeans to cover herself as I smirk and turn to greet the officer who interrupted my new guilty pleasure. I make sure to block his view of her, smug in the way she’s clearly embarrassed. It feels like a victory in itself against this sharp-tongued vixen who’s always so defiant.

“Hello, Officer.” His hand is on his belt, but the moment he realizes who I am, he’s floundering.

“Oh. Mr. Taylor. Car trouble?” he asks, glancing at the car, then back to me. I lean against it and hit the side of it.

I recognize him from one of my father’s shops. He buys a lot of lingerie for his wife. And mistress.

“No, just a bit of lady trouble,” I curtly explain.

He nervously laughs and tries to peek over my shoulder. I shoot a glance in Posie’s direction. She’s still on her back, holding her jeans on her stomach, eyes wide as she stares at the ceiling. I try not to laugh while keeping my shoulders where they are so the officer can’t see her.

“Okay, well, this is a traffic hazard, so I’ll have to ask you to move it along.”

Still looking at Posie, I smile, and I can tell by the expression on her face that if she had a gun, she would’ve shot me more than once already. I can’t help but antagonize her further.

“You heard the man; put your pants on and get back in your seat,” I tell her.

She gasps, mortified, and tries to wiggle her pants on.

“Goodnight,” the officer says and walks back to his patrol car. When I turn back to Posie, I see her climbing into the front seat and buckling up quickly. When I’m behind the wheel, I adjust my cock and then triumphantly drive her home while she gives me the silent treatment.

I’m surprised that I want to uncover more about this woman, including her past and connections. Still, I seem to be failing miserably because instead, I get distracted by wanting to punish her for her smart mouth and the curiosity to feel her every curve.

Fuck, I have become no better than an ordinary man.

I’m not usually susceptible to these things.

But, fuck, she tastes fantastic.



My face is red with embarrassment; I know that much. No matter how much I had to drink, it was not enough to dull the humiliation of what just occurred. How can I go from not having had sex for six years to getting caught by the police, half naked, and being eaten out by my boss in the back of a car? And Dutton—the fucker who barely ever smiles—has the audacity to smirk about it.

I will admit, he sure knows what to do with his mouth. This isn’t surprising, considering he owns a strip club, and his dad pretty much sells sex for a living. When my ex used to go down on me, it would take him a very long time to get me anywhere close to my goal. It got to the point where he just didn’t bother trying, blaming it on me, so eventually, I started lying about getting off because I was bored with his head between my legs.

I’ve never been with a man who asserts such complete domination, and the intensity of looking into his eyes the entire time was both intimate and shattering. It felt like he was seeing every part of me, not just my body, and that type of connection is something I definitely avoid.

He gives off the vibe that he knows exactly what to do with a woman’s body.

I’m so glad I tested that theory.

Even if I’m going to regret the aftermath.

“Goodnight, Posie,” he drawls as he approaches my house. I’m already grabbing my bags and opening the door before he even comes to a complete stop. Before I step out of the car, I look back at him, willing that knowing fucking smirk off his face.

“This”—I wave a finger between us—“will never happen again.”

“If you say so.” His arrogant smirk never even twitches. I don’t bother arguing with him as I get out of his car and enter the house.

I find Amy asleep on the couch and throw a blanket over her. She prefers to go home most nights, but I don’t like to wake her when she’s sleeping. She’s young and in college, so I think any extra sleep she can get is a bonus.

I lean against the doorframe of Bentley’s room, taking a moment to watch him as he sleeps. He’s cuddling the new teddy Amy bought him for his birthday. I smile as I tiptoe into the room to kiss him on the forehead and lift the blankets over him. He’s a restless sleeper like me, so the blankets end up in every direction.


