Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

“How does that feel?” the tailor asks me with a pin in his mouth. I look at myself in the mirror and no matter about the suit, I see a man in love and ready for the next phase.

Anyway I turn toward Jake and continue the conversation. “That sounds okay but the other option we have to think about is finding tickets at the last minute.” I have been so focused on just getting her there that transportation has eluded me.

“Oh dude I think I have that covered.” Looking at him I am intrigued but he says nothing else, and you know what, if it helps me make Mari my wife, I don’t really care.

“Hey, did you guys ever find a place?” We are in this awesome building in Hartford, which is 41 minutes from Norwich, and it makes a little hectic everyday trying to wake up, stay out of Mari’s pussy and get her to school before getting myself to work but it is worth it to make sure she is safe, and it is closer to my college so I can go in when we have hands on training. Jake and Mila have been staying with us but we both agree we all need to have our own.

“As a matter of fact we did. We got lucky. Another one of the apartments in your building became available. Mila was so happy she wanted to tell Mari herself.” That makes me happy because when I am at work, I always worry about her being alone.

“Hell yeah!” I put my hand up and he smacks it.

“Tell me about it. Now I don't have to worry about Mila while I am training and working.” It's nice to have someone as obsessed with his girl as I am about mine. I don’t have to explain my thinking and actions because nine times out of ten, he is more extreme. We won’t even get into the lengths he went to have Mila.

“Alright so are we doing this?” I ask. He doesn’t answer right away so I turn and see him texting on his phone. He looks very intense. Deciding to mind my own business, I finish putting my shoes on and grab my wallet. “Hey, I’m going to head out.” I tell him, thinking about getting home before Mari. I walk out the door not worried about him responding when he comes running after me.

“Wait up man. Sorry about that. I was securing our ride to Vegas.” His smile is a mile wide, and I wait for him to spill. When he says nothing else, I have to ask. “Is it legal?” He looks at me like I have lost my mind.

“What the fuck kind of question is that?” he deadpans. I know he’s right he would never put Mila in danger but shit, I have a right to know.

“Well tell me something asshole.”

“Last year, a woman named Maria and her sister-in-law Ginger, and their two kids Matilde and Tesoro were on their way to Connecticut for the debut of a new artist. Maria said she decided to drive herself. Well they caught a flat. My dad’s shop was closed, and I was coming off a twelve-hour shift because two of our mechanics called off.

She was calling around to shops asking for help, but none showed up. I could hear the desperation in her voice when she called ours and I heard the little girls. I went and towed their car, bringing all of them back to the shop. She recognized we were closed and thanked me.”

“I still don’t understand.” I tell him, waiting for the part of the story that answers my question.

“She called her husband and told him how I was taking care of them and how sweet I was on account of me giving them some snacks and the girls my deck of Uno cards to entertain them. When he asked to speak to me, he thanked me and told me he owed me. I tried to refuse but he wouldn’t hear of it and that is when he told who he was. Alberto Vitali.” My head jerks back. Everyone knows who he is. He is a prolific mob boss.

“Holy shit. You have a favor from a Vitali?” My head is spinning right now. Vitali’s are widely known but mostly as hitmen.

“Yeah I know. I told myself I would forget about it. That is one debt you might want to forget about but for our girls, I gladly texted him and asked if we could use his jet for a day or two.” My initial reaction is to say hell no, but then my mind goes to Mari and how much she would love this, and I find myself agreeing.

“Fuck. Do it before I change my mind.” Nodding, he walks away from me to confirm. Standing there, I can’t help but picture how beautiful she is going to look waiting for me at the altar with Elvis. How fucking sexy she is going to look with nothing but my ring on her finger. Shit. My cock is waking up just thinking about it.


