Pregnant by the Good Guy – Bred on Purpose Read Online ChaShiree M

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Insta-Love, Novella, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 32140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 161(@200wpm)___ 129(@250wpm)___ 107(@300wpm)

Mila is having a panic attack though because she doesn’t want her parents to know until she has moved out. I wish I could do something for her. She has a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I was thinking of asking her if she wanted to go prom dress shopping. I have been putting it off because I am not sure I want to go.

Dressed and feeling sort of light today, I called for a taxi to Royce’s parent’s house. He doesn’t like for me to drive in my state. Says cars are dangerous enough. He is the protective type. I love that about him. He makes me feel safe and important.

The ride to his parent’s house is 41 minutes but it always feels quick. Maybe it is due to me always having things on my mind that time flies. While in the back seat, I text Mila.

Me: I meant to ask if you’re busy today?

Maybe we can hang out when I am done with Royce’s mom.

Bestie: Apartment hunting with Jacob. The one in your building needs to be rehabbed so that is out. We still have the one we put the deposit on but Jake thinks it's too far from school and since he refuses to let me drive, he doesn’t want to be late for his new job.

Me: What a bummer, I really was getting excited thinking about us living in the same building.

Bestie: Me too. But who knows, maybe something else will open up at least close to you guys. What are you up to?

Me: Just pulling up to Royce’s parent’s house. His mom is excited about the baby shower and wants to start planning it.

Bestie: Yes!!! I wish Jake’s mom was the same. It’s tough, you know. Not having any woman to share this with. Sometimes it feels lonely.

Me: I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do. Maybe I can ask Royce if you guys can rent our other room until you find your own place?

Bestie: That would be awesome.

Me: Okay. I will do that. Well, `I am at his parent’s house. I have to go. TTYL.

Getting out of the car I thank the driver, pull out my wallet to pay and tip him. Walking up to the door, my nerves start going crazy. I still get apprehensive about going to his parent’s house and it is silly because they both have been nothing but welcoming and so interested in the baby. They have ultrasound pictures all over the house.

“Mari I am so glad you made it. Come on sweet girl.” Smiling, I walk into the house and gasp. This place is insane. She has a table filled with so many colors and options for party favors, food and everything. It's like a Barbie came in here and threw up everywhere. I can’t help but put my hand to my mouth and crack up. His mom blushes. “I might have gone overboard.”

“Might?” I say teasing her. “No seriously, this is awesome.” Suddenly tears burst from my eyes.

“Oh honey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you.” I begin shaking my head because I don't want her thinking that.

“I-it's not that. I am just not used to people caring for me. You guys have been amazing. I never thought I would have a family,” I tell her honestly. Her arms wrap around me in a big mama hug. I sink into it because I didn't realize how much I craved it until I met her.

“Sweetie, you have a family for life, and I should thank you for carrying my granddaughter. Pregnancy is not easy, but you make it look like a piece of cake.” I look at her like she is crazy because most days I feel like a house but according to my doctor, I am carrying small. Not underweight per say, but small.

“Thank you.” I smile. “So tell me what we have here.” And like that I am in baby shower heaven preparing to welcome my little bundle. God I am so happy I get to keep this little girl, and she will come here to a father that wants her and grandparents.





‘So what do you think? You think the girls will go for it?” I ask this question to Jake because right now we are getting fitted for our suits to take the girls to their senior prom, but we both get the feeling neither of them really want to go but feel they have to. Jake and I on the other hand want to take them to Vegas and get married. We are both anxious to tie them to us not only with a baby, but in name and this is the way.

“I don’t know bro. I mean they are at the store right now finding their dresses.” It’s true, but I really think they will go for it. I know Mari loves me and she wants the life I envision for us. I just want it much sooner than she thinks. “Well maybe we could take them for the first half of prom and then leave and go.”


