Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Lili was getting exasperated.

“Whatever you’re trying to say, just spit it out already!” she exclaimed.

“What I’m saying is that you need to try Bonding fruit,” Rachel said.

“Oh, we don’t need that.” Lili made a shooing motion. “Because of their Ash’anti DNA, Dark and Light make a kind of compound—the same way Beast Kindred do—to, uh, help a woman open up for them.”

“No, no—that’s not why you need it,” Rachel said impatiently. “You need it because it’s an aphrodisiac. A really strong one. As in, if you take enough, it’s going to make you horny out of your mind.”

Lili frowned at her best friend.

“What good is it going to do for me to get horny when Dark won’t do anything about it? I was turned on last night and he didn’t react.”

“But how turned on?” Rachel wanted to know. “Because Bonding fruit doesn’t just make you want sex—it makes you need sex. And it changes your scent—makes you smell like you’re in heat. In distress. And the only thing that can help is your guy getting busy with you.”

“I don’t know…” Lili was still skeptical.

“Look—did I ever tell you what happened during my Claiming Period with Brock?” Rachel asked. “Did I tell you why it only lasted a week instead of a month like it’s supposed to?”

“Well, no.” Lili shrugged. “I guess I thought the two of you just really hit it off. I mean, you had been Dream-sharing for months prior to that.” She sighed. “I wish I had Dream-shared with Dark and Light—I might have formed more of a connection with them and I wouldn’t be having this problem now.”

“Not everyone Dream-shares with their Kindred before they get together,” Rachel said. “But no—the reason our Claiming Period was cut short was because I accidentally drank a big glass of Bonding fruit juice. I didn’t know what it was at the time and it tasted so good, I just kept on drinking.” She giggled. “Can you imagine?”

“No—what happened?” Lili asked, interested despite herself.

“What happened was that I woke up in the middle of the night horny out of my freaking mind!” Rachel’s eyes widened expressively. “I mean, I was practically crying with need!”

“That doesn’t sound comfortable at all,” Lili objected.

“Oh, it wasn’t—I was in a really bad way,” Rachel said seriously. “I was too embarrassed to tell Brock though, so I snuck into the bathroom and, uh, tried to take care of myself. But it didn’t help—nothing helped. I just kept getting more and more horny. And then I heard a knock on the door—it was Brock. And do you know what he said?”

“No? What?” Lili leaned forward.

“He said, ‘I can smell your need,’” Rachel told her. “My scent—the scent of my desire and my sexual need—woke him up from a dead sleep and brought him straight to me.” She giggled. “After that he had to help me for the rest of the night and let’s just say that by morning we were Bonded.”

“Wow…I never knew that.” Lili shook her head.

“Well now you know. Did you also know that a Kindred warrior has a better sense of smell than a bloodhound?” Rachel asked.

“No—but so what?” Lili asked.

“I’m saying their sense of smell is extremely strong and it’s a big part of their sex drive. Do you know what Kindred porn looks like?” Rachel asked her.

Lili shrugged.

“Well…I imagine it’s probably like porn for human guys, right?”

“Wrong,” Rachel said flatly. “It’s not visual at all—it’s scent based. Seriously, they have these books called ‘Scent books’ that are filled with all these different scents from different women that were collected when they were aroused.”

“Are you serious?” It sounded bizarre to Lili, but she supposed that if a Kindred’s sense of smell was really that strong and that tied to their libido, it made sense.

“I’m perfectly serious.” Rachel nodded firmly. “So think about it—if you take some Bonding fruit and get really needy, your scent should attract Dark and bring out his protective instincts, just like seeing you in mortal danger did.”

“Which should hopefully break through the emotion blocker in his brain,” Lili said slowly, working it out.

“Exactly! First he feels protective, because you’re in desperate need. Then that emotion lets another one out—lust.” Rachel’s eyes widened in excitement. “And once you’ve got him feeling again, you can get him to agree to try Bonding with you and Light.”

“And once we’re all Bonded, Light and I can help him break the block for good so it can’t reform like it did after I was out of danger,” Lili said.

“Yes—that’s the plan!” Rachel nodded. “So what do you think? Will you try it?”

“I don’t know—what if it doesn’t work?” Lili protested.

“Well then Light will have to help you get over the Bonding fruit on his own,” Rachel told her. “It probably won’t feel right to him without having his twin to share you with, but he should be able to do it.”


