Posing for Their Pleasure – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 86074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

“Well, I know,” Lili said fiercely. “I came for you because I love you—both of you. And we’re going to get everything straightened out as soon as we get back to my suite.”

And she honestly believed it was true.



“So what happened next—after you brought them back to your suite?” Rachel asked, her eyes bright and interested. “Let me guess—Bonding sex—right?”

It was the following day and Lili was having lunch with her best friend—not that she had much appetite.

“No,” she said glumly. “Nothing happened.”

“What? No Bonding sex?” Rachel exclaimed, so loudly the couple at the next table looked over at them.

“Shhh!” Lili hissed. “No, I told you—nothing happened. Because Dark still isn’t feeling. I mean, the emotion block is still in place. Light’s is gone—he’s got all his emotions back with no problem. But Dark says he just feels blank inside.” She sighed. “Apparently Yipper gave him a much stronger dose of the chemical emotion blocker than he gave to Light because of Dark’s Berserker DNA.”

“But didn’t you say he went crazy with rage and killed like fifty guys when the two of them came to rescue you?” Rachel demanded.

“Yes, but as soon as I was safe, his anger faded and he went back to feeling nothing.” Lili shook her head. “I don’t know what to do.”

“Well, did you talk to Yipper again?”

“Of course—that’s what I did first thing this morning,” Lili told her. “He said that there’s no cure for the chemical block and the only way to break it is to use a strong enough stimulus so that the feelings inside overwhelm the block.”

“So…when Dark thought you were in danger, his anger overwhelmed the block, right?”

“He calls it ‘The Fury’ but yes—yes, it did.” Lili nodded.

“So you need to stimulate him in a different way, if you know what I mean. Get another strong emotion going.” Rachel raised her eyebrows and gave Lili a knowing look.

“You think I didn’t try that?” Lili demanded. “As soon as he got out of the shower, I was all over him! But…” She shook her head. “Nothing.”

“Wow…” Rachel shook her head, her eyes wide. “That’s bad. Usually Kindred have extremely strong sex drives.”

“I know,” Lili said morosely. “I keep feeling like if the three of us could just get Bonded, then Light and I could come together and help him break the block. I mean, it should be possible if we were all mentally and emotionally connected, you know?”

“Well why don’t you try that then?” Rachel asked. “I mean, you have that harmonizer thingy that f’loon sent you now. Why not try it?”

“Because Dark won’t do it,” Lili told her. “He says what if it doesn’t work and then Light and I are tied to a male with no emotions. He’s afraid it would ruin all our lives so he’s point-blank refusing to even try Bonding.” She sighed. “Light even went to the trouble of getting us a Twin Kindred Bonding Chair but still…nothing.”

“Wow—you’re really in a mess,” Rachel said, shaking her head sympathetically. “I’m so sorry, Lil.”

“Me too.” Lili ran a hand through her hair. She’d barely touched her lunch of tisla salad—a delicacy from Twin Moons. It was delicious but she simply had no appetite. “I only have a few days left on the emergency leave I requested from the University, you know,” she told Rachel. “If I have to go back down to Earth without Dark and Light, I just don’t know what I’ll do!”

“There must be some way to break through the block in Dark’s brain.” Rachel started twisting a lock of her long brown hair around one finger, which was something she often did when she was thinking hard.

“It’s like you said, I need a stimulus so strong it causes the emotion to break through,” Lili said. “He reacted when I was in danger, but I don’t know⁠—”

“Then why don’t you put yourself in danger again?” Rachel asked. “Or at least in distress.”

“What? How?” Lili demanded. “You want me to go walk through a dark alley hoping someone will attack me so Dark can come save me again?” Just the memory of the attacker who had practically chased her into Light and Dark’s arms made her shudder.

“No, no—nothing like that.” Rachel shook her head. She was twirling her hair around her finger faster now—a sure sign an idea was forming. “You need a way to bring out his protective instincts but not his anger. You need a way to bring out his lust.”

“I told you, I tried,” Lili protested. “I sat in his lap and hugged him and kissed him—he just didn’t react. I slept between them last night hoping that he would feel the need to ‘share’ me with Light—but nothing.”

“But you weren’t in distress—you weren’t in a situation that could harm you—a situation Dark needed to save you from,” Rachel pointed out.


